Is this bud rot ? Never dealt with it before.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like the Leaf is still wet,Leave it out in a tray nice spread between the buds so there's plenty of movement.Once it's dry snip those leafs off and ditch them .Looks like the bud has dried to fast from the inside outwards ,perhaps a few buds that ain't had has much air blowing on them.Its the reason ,my house stinks for about 3/4 days during flowering.Just because I like to keep turning the plants.But I grow big plants,and just cut them at the bottom once done and hang up side down .I prune when it's around 70% dry the other 30 % I let dry in buckets,with fans on them.So they have good air flow.Normally ready for Jars after around 6/7 days .But I never just leave it till I know it's dry and can be left in jars ,or bags till I need it.I use one of the cold or hot storage buckets,the ones that are air tight .they work a treat ,if you are doing a fair few Oz .But all ways move it round with car or your just knocking heads off,why I like the big buckets this does not matter ,because the stuff falling off only falls on to the bud below it .The buckets I use each one hold 1 lb dry.


Well-Known Member
Because I hang large plants up side down ,with screens under them,I sometimes get these darker wet leafs on the very bottom of the hung plant ,the main cola .