Is this bud dieback? Late flower, maybe overwatered and now this ?


Active Member
the trichs are nearly done, maybe another week, will this ruin my buds? Its only really on one plant but it’s gotten a lot worse recently


Well-Known Member
Looks like your burning her with your light. I've had a few strains get a lil sensitive to light at the end.


Well-Known Member
Does your light have a potentiometer on it? Can you turn it down? You never said what kind of light it is


Well-Known Member
K but can it be turned down? It's unlikely pushing that 1200, but it's def got the power to burn her. Like I said too, strain dependant but I've seen plants get sensitive to light at the end. Think how nature works..... The sun is moving south at the end of summer when outdoor plants are mid to late flower, becoming less intense.


Well-Known Member
I have seen similar results from flushing a plant too long, starving it. I have also seen similar on plants that were hit with too much UV.