Is this bad


Active Member
my seedlings are 10 days old
and they have two little leaves leafs under all the other ones
and there turning real yellow but not the other leaves

is this bad????bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
Pretty normal I would just keep an eye out on your other leaves and if they start turning then worry!


Active Member
david these guys are right! This is completly normal and you have nothing to worry about. good luck on your grow and I hope you get some amazing bud out of it.


Active Member
Agreed the first round shaped leaves are called false leaves and drop off once the other leaves crank up.
Good luck.


Active Member
this morning i woke up and saw that all my other leave juss dropped they look like there really weak what does this mean



Well-Known Member
you are probably watering to much, put them closer to the light without burning, then water and don't water again until soil is dry.


Active Member
you are probably watering to much, put them closer to the light without burning, then water and don't water again until soil is dry.
Bizarrebud is right....water really good...until water starts coming out the bottom....then wait to water agin until the soil is dry.



Active Member
stick your finger down about 2 inches in the soil...if it dry then water like they said til it runs out the bottom....if its wet or moist dont water til it is.