Is this a potassium problem?


Active Member
Got a bit of a problem starting on a plant about 4.5 weeks into flower. Not sure, but from what I have read, I think it may be Potassium problem. I am sure that it is something fairly easy to diagnose, but as a newb, I want to get some input from those who really know. Can anyone tell me what the issue is here?


Thanks in advance for any help!



Well-Known Member
Hey there,

Most nutritional deficiencies like this are because the ph is off in your soil ,so it causes the nutrients to be unavailable to the roots by locking them out. In your case, I'd say it's suffering from a low, or acidic ph. A warm water flush with balanced water may stop it from getting worse, but the condition of most of the fan leaves appear to be past the point of recovery. You should be able to somewhat finish up your budding.


Well-Known Member
High salinity and/or acidic soil.
Add some dolomite and flush with 1/2 strength nutes. I would use a tbsp/gal of molasses to assist chelation

It's been previously declared that there is no major problems here. I don't know what standard they hold their garden to, but its definitely worth correcting in my opinion, your yields will be affected with leaf damage like that @ wk 4.5

Are you using large enough container?