Is this a magnesium deficiency?


Active Member
From my reading, it seems like it is. I added 10 teaspoons of Epsom salt to my 20 gallon tank. I didn't want to add too much. What do you think?



New Member
You need to give detailed info for us to be able to help. A pic might be enough if you take the plant out from under the red light (or use a light filter). One closeup isn't enough either. We need pics of the whole plant too.

50cc of epsom salts into a 20 gallon tank is way too much. I suggest you flush out the grow medium and change the res. These problems usually start with ph lockout.


Well-Known Member
Look exactly like the problem Iam currently having! So how much Epsom salts should be added? Mine is a 5 gallon Res.


Active Member
Looks like a MG. Defficiency to me. I had that problem but it can be common ou just need to regulate all your nutrients. Just give it some Mg plus from Botanicare is good, but any Mg nut would do the trick. Simply cut all the other nutrients out and use a magnesium solution with just water for a week. Your plant should use up all the Mg and balance itself out in about a week, then go back to regular watering just watch your levels and keep them from fluctuating.


Well-Known Member
Hey userfriendly you said 50cc is way to much then what is the right amount? From another post on here that is what is said to be the right amount. So What is the right one?


Well-Known Member
Hey userfriendly you said 50cc is way to much then what is the right amount? From another post on here that is what is said to be the right amount. So What is the right one?
Water with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.
Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients