Is this a hermie, or what is this thing?


Hi All,

First grow, first post here. Long time lurker.

I'm having a bit of a crisis, I think my plant has hermied. It's one of three plants, this one and and another share the same strain (Bruce Banner), also have another strain in the mix.

I am at Day 31 of flowering. The linked picture is of the top of one of my bud sites, but the nodule (red circle) appears across most of the tops for this plant. Unaffected are the lower less developed bud sites. The nodule itself at this stage is very small and has a couple of brown pistils coming out. To note, the other Bruce Banner also has brown hairs too but not seeing any nodules like this yet.

I am wondering what this could be? Do male balls grow in amongst the bud like this, or are they capable of having pistils? I am thinking it could be a seed but it seems unusual that this plant is so heavily affected without affecting the other plants too (its in a tight scrog).

It has no trichomes on it that I could see with my loupe and is shaped a bit like two spades together.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help you can offer me.



Honestly I'm not sure, I've had a look at some pictures which I take every couple of days and I can't see it happening any earlier but then I don't really take photos directly over the top.. This whole flowering period has been a trip and I'm bound to of missed something, I'm enjoying it way too much but this is stressing me out a little.

The red pistils can be seen in pictures from 5 or so days ago, but that transition was very slow and not as if it has been pollinated? I've attached another photo from 4 days ago of a different bud site, has similar red hairs coming from the centre of it too.



Ok so here are two more closer photos of this nodule across two different plants/strains. I am starting to think it is a seed or a normal part of a bud as I looked closer at all three of my plants and it can be seen with a loupe the second plant has white pistils mostly and barely any brown/red - suggesting to me that it is not a seed or maybe its a false seed pod that I've heard about.. again strange that this would be across all of the tops. Really not sure what is going on here.

If all three are herm I'd be surprised, they've all looked incredibly healthy and I keep a tight lid on any light after lights out, humidity has been 50-60% and temperatures are between 28c day and 18c night. Anyone got any advice or seen anything like this before?



Well-Known Member
I have seen the same thing sort of on my buds. I was told they are just swollen calyx and not to worry. I even clipped one off one time. It was just moist and frosty as hell. No seed inside.


I have seen the same thing sort of on my buds. I was told they are just swollen calyx and not to worry. I even clipped one off one time. It was just moist and frosty as hell. No seed inside.
Thanks for the help bro I think I'll just have to wait and see how they develop. So far no frost on these things which is unusual considering how frosty the rest of the plant is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help bro I think I'll just have to wait and see how they develop. So far no frost on these things which is unusual considering how frosty the rest of the plant is.
You can always snip one of the suspected sacks off and check it out. Try to find one that looks big tho compared to others.