Is this a good closet room?

is this a good room? their is a fan but u cant see it and a 14 watt energy saver which claims to be like a 60w light bulb and some tin foil
EDIT: i will cover the walls and ceiling complety with foil when i get more tape


You need to give to a lot more work for one you light is way to far away and you need a lot more lights you have to be able to keep humidity and temp in check. And you need ventilation. You need to do a lot of research.


Active Member
quick question is this a serious thread or just messing around cause if youre serious we can probably give you a lot of good answers


Active Member
In short, no it's not a good place: Too low, and the light will not be enough, actually far far far from enough. Also, don't use Aluminum foil.


Active Member
ok well in case you are serious let me start with the problems here... ALL OF IT

Problem/ Solutions:
Light: to grow you need light that can be directly above the plant and the best for growing in order are as follow(HPS/MH, Fluorescent, CFL) to start ultra cheap style get a timer, a desk lamp, and the brightest highest watt CFL(swirley energy efficient light) you can find or a timer, an extension cord, a light socket plug in adapter, and still the bright as shit CFL, or if you want better lighting yet still sort of cheap get a timer and a T5 or T8(fluorescent light ballast from hardware store and replace the light with a blue spectrum light for veg and red spectrum for flower). WHICHEVER STYLE YOU GO WITH GET LOTS (CFL minimum 2 for one plant T5 or T8 minimum 2 per plant) Fluorescent is probably the best for your space i believe they come in lengths as short as 2 feet
Space: yours is too small if you plan to grow anything with high yields or quality you need more vertical space
Reflection: Tin foil= bad plan, tin foil reflects at weird angles causing it to burn plants and is very ineffective and has very little actual reflection. Use mylar or flat white paint
Carpet: carpets are just basically filthy and inviting to bugs and bacteria, just put down some sort of tray like a cookie sheet
Fan: your fan should be close enough to make leaves flutter on plants and others to bring fresh air in and others to filter the air out
Pots/Container: your container should be not see through. Cheap solution red solo party cups
Nutrients: thats a conversation that will take forever just know in veg you need lots of nitrogen(N) and in flower you need lots of phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) .



Well-Known Member
That paint will reflect enough light as is, save your foil for cooking. You could hang a few 26 watt or larger cfl's over the plant with just sockets for the bulbs. Some hooks screwed into the ceiling to hold the cords. You could fix the lights in place on the ceiling so they are horizontal with some foil over head glued to the ceiling.

Get that lamp out of there, it is too weak and far away. The cfl's should be within 2 inches of the plant, I get them within 1 inch. Y splitter for the cfl is a good idea and beer can reflectors if nothing else.

If you are joking about all of this well.... Your room is good as is.


Dude nothing's going to grow in there, if you're wanting a small scale grow you can do it cheap enough, but seriously, I doubt that plant would even get past a few weeks old....if it does even sprout.


Well-Known Member
Pulling up a seat and getting some popcorn.....this might be funny.

Sorry dude............don't even bother with that room, just go buy a sack and save yourself from getting beat up here for setting up that.

Although.....all the newbie questions and problems might be fun to watch.....hmmmm :fire:


Active Member
If you're super tight on spending for lights, a lamp like that can work if you tilt it. What you need to do is feel with your hand how close to the bulb before it feels TOO warm, and don't be tough about it. With a 13W bulb like that you can literally suck on it (please dont)... lol.. because its hardly warm at all. Sorry drank 4oz of potka. Nasty shit. Anyway, buy a splitter for bulbs, its like a Y adapter socket. $1 to $2 probably. Whatever bulbs you use, be sure you don't exceed the rating of the socket. I mean, that lamp you show will be rated for max 60W or 100W. With Y splitters you can get carried away and overload the lamp itself. Use at least the 23W/26W bulbs if you can, not the 13's. Having two 23W "daylights" for veg is the most minimal, in my opinion, and nobody should waste their time with less. For flower time, you really need to figure out how to get AT LEAST 250W in there of the 2300-2700K "light temperature" range, to make it cost effective. Also research how to maximize the use of light (scrog, topping, FIM, etc) and getting large roots with a good size planter, and proper use of nutrients. Its a huge subject and fairly well documented throughout this server. Lots of questions are reposted like mad, I started posting here about 2 months ago after having successful ops in the past, and am surprised at how many reposts there are. Seems like these are becoming frequently asked questions and something better could be put in place to link these threads or something. You really need to research thoroughly, use the search function its your friend.