Is this a fullproof way of transporting herb?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was thinking of a good way to hide weed from the cops when your driving. I've had too many close calls where the cop let me and my friends off with a warning(thank the lord).

So here's the plan, keep in mind this is for long distance, I'm going to be picking up an oz this weekend and driving a couple hours with it. I wouldn't do this for something small...

Bake two circular cakes, and carve out the insides leaving the outside intact. Then put the bag of weed in the middle, put the other cake on top, and frost it. Then you write something like happy 70th birthday grandma! and have some balloons and decorations in the car as well. I think this would be a pretty foolproof way to transport it. What do you guys think?


haha, the only problem is you have to drive a long distance with a cake... That could take a turn for the worse quickly.


Well-Known Member
dont smoke any while your driving back or the cake will be all gone

and yeah, I didn't really think about the cake getting F'd up, but it's been pretty cold so it won't melt. I think it'll be smooth, I'll let you guys know how it turns out


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine the headline?

Stoner arrested. Couldn't have his cake and eat it too.

A young man was pulled over by police because of suspicion of mischief (Driving around with a car full of ballons.) when the officer noticed a cake with a missing piece. The officer says that there was a green substance where the piece of cake should of been, and it was found to be marijuana!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO thats alot of trouble just for and ounce, I hope I dont see this on the news even though it'll be fucking hilarious


Well-Known Member

I just drive the speed limit, have my car in good working order with up to date registration and keep a low cake needed :hump:



Well-Known Member
It is a lot of trouble but better safe than sorry, especially because I'm a college student and I've nearly been busted a few times.. If I lost eligibility for gvt loans my future would be pretty fucked, I'm poor.


Active Member
WOW! Sounds like too much work to me. Although, i smoke my daily joint on the drive home from work, i have once been pulled over and shoved that joint inside a Twinkie that was in my lunch bucket at the time. Needless to say that was the best Twinkie i've ever ate after the cop let me go with a simple warning. Nothing mentioned of the green goodness.

I'd suggest vacuum packing it.


Well-Known Member
LOL I think that would work good. Just dont be high when your driving. What i usta do when I had to transport is just to put it in the trunk. Generally unless the cops have extreme suspicion or they find something on your person or in the car they most likely wont search yout trunk. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I just wrap it in gift wrapping - you're going to a birthday party.

Who the fucks going to rip open a gift? It works especially nice if you're dropping of a qp or hp to someone else and you don't want to look sketch. What the fucks sketchy about meeting at mcdonalds and exchanging a gift for the persons birthday?


good idea as long as its not one of those asshole cops that has a dog the dog could maybe smell it. I heard a dog can smell a bat from a mile away.