is this a freak of nature?


Well-Known Member
okay so here is it, i have some seeds on their way but i am growing a little bit of bag seed in soil. two sprouted but one is really wierd. it has three leaves? i mean the first set of leaves that aren't patterned were three and the next set of majiuana leaves that are patterned grew in a set of three and the next set of leaves that are sprouting out are in a set of three. maybe my soil got contaimenated but the leaves have the same pattern.

please help as this is confusing, i haven't seen one pisture on here (and i have looked for a little bit) with three leaves on a young marijuana plant. is this bad, is it good, does it not matter?

just woundering, thanks a lot guys



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Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Dont worry about a thang! Just a phenotype go with it do a test set 2 plants side by side (one being you 3 leave plant and one normal) see what happens!


Well-Known Member
nice man, you have a triploid. They are pretty rare, it doesn't mean anything in terms of quality or anything. They usually correct themselves after the first few nodes.


Well-Known Member
fuck, they correct themselves? damn and i was thinking it would grow more foliage and have a better chance of growing more bud. but then again the bud i get from this won't be half of quality or size than what i will get out of my northern lights #5 x bigbud or my sweet tooth that flowers in 6 weeks or less? so i will keep this bag seed growing in the pot for now just cause like you said it's rare and part of me thinks its kinda cool.

oh wierd thought, um. what if i grew enough to where i could find at least 2 plants that were triploids. then have those two triploids mate. maybe the result would be the off spring being triploids that don't correct themselves? probably not, but funny to think about.


Well-Known Member
i understand you guys said it doesn't yield better it is just a different way for it to grow, but if the plant has more foliage then it should be able to photsynthesize more right? which would in turn effect the plant growth wouldn't it, i mean if it never corrected itself and kept growing as a triploid.


Well-Known Member
huh, you know what i just noticed too, i think i have a bit of a bug problem. looks like the triploid has one leaf that looks like something bit into it (just small, but there). maybe i will start taking inside at night see if that keeps the bugs away?


Active Member
out of 15 plants i have prouted this season i have found 3 that are growing only triplets, i thought it was just normal, one grew out of it, other three are still growing that way, over 3 feet tall too, it looks actually reallt pretty, and keeps the folage very nice. i like them=)



Well-Known Member
thats happened to me before,once it got bout 6 inches tall it stopped completely no new growth or anything switched it into a bigger pot and everything but same result but who knows yours might grow


Kind of late in the game to be adding on to this, but i had a triploid once and it was one of the best plants I grew because it was an odd plant. It was very short and very leafy with a lot of nodes. It was a weird plant because i was going to LST, but it kind of grew naturally off to the side and didn't really have to bend it or anything like that. There were a few weird leave that looked normal with 7 points to it then if you were to look on the back side of the leaf it would have about 4 or 5 more smaller points to make it look like two leaves combined into one. Over all it was a good odd plant.


I recently finished my college botany class. We learned all about that. lol thought if i'm growing then I might as well be educated on plants in general.