Is there such thing as a stealth tent?


Ive been looking at the superbox , but decided it is a rip off, so what is the smallest possible tent available , that could fit and the things to make it stealthy ie, carbon filter.

it would need to not be noticed in my room, Also what about noise?



Well-Known Member
what about makeing a carbint in to a stealth grow box ? if stealth is importent for you ?

sumthing like this:


or a closed like this:


but nomather what you choose and on what scale .. you cant do it half .. meaning you will need a few basic things ..

of course lights .. and with that also ventilation boath to controle tempetures and to provide fresh air and Co2 for your girls ..
and some kind of carbon filter to controle odour as they WILL stink .. specialy when they get big and begin to flower ..

ventilations will make some noise .. if that is a concern you schould look in to it .. do some research .. you can get some that is very silent ..

even some who dont make a sound .. but then we are talking +1K $ ..

but might be a good idea to do the home work and invest 100$ insted of 80$ etc. when you buy your ventilations ..

you can also keep it inside the box .. and make a box for it .. use insolatet tubeings and run em out on the back side/out of the house ..

I have seen some who made two hobbys .. one that was a fish tank on top of a carbinet .. but the real hobby was inside the carbinet .. that way he had a nice excuse for all the wireing and sound from air pumps aso.