Is there something wrong with my plant? (PICS Included)


Well-Known Member

I have been growing these plants from seed in a small grow closet I made. They were germinated in paper towel method and plant into FFOF. So far they look healthy (21 days in), but one thing is worrying me. One plant the leaves look great and spread out and the other one the leaves are bunch up and not really spreading there wings per say. Take a look at the pics and you'll better understand what I'm saying.


Thanks for any input and help :)


Even 2 seeds from the same pack could give the variation in the soil you have pictured there. They look great.


Well-Known Member
I think you might be experiencing heat stress, how are your temps? That cupping up of the top leaves can indicate that they are too close to the bulbs. I might relax on the fertilizer and just do a foliar feeding when the lights go off. Epsom Salts @ 1/2 tsp per quart with a wetting agent can pop that virility back sometimes (green em up) and encourage growth.


Well-Known Member
Temps are between 79-84 F Haven't added any fertilizer, just whats in the soil. Lights are CFL about and inch or 2 above leaves. Just trying to figure out why both plants have same conditions and one on right looks so much better


Well-Known Member
been trying have 4" inline duct fan exhaust cut passive intake holes and have a fan blowing on low...I dont necessarily thinkg that the temp is the problem becuase the plant on the right of my closet looks awesome its full its growing great...


Well-Known Member
First of all, are they the same strain? How often are you watering and at what Ph? What nutrients do you plan on using? do you have gnats at all?


Well-Known Member
Watering with tap whenever pots get light every 3 or 4 days I'd say. Don't know if there's gnats saw what looked like fruit fly the other day why?


Well-Known Member
plants look perfect nothing wrong with any of them ur trippin.. u dont even have any slightly burnt tips at all which to me would indicate overfeeding which most newbs often do.. great job so far! stop worrying


Well-Known Member
Your problem is the tap water ph, you are not absorbing nutrients optimally and this will start to effect the other one I guarantee if you dont fix it. With coco the ph should remain at 5.8 always, do you have funds to do some shopping?


Maybe fungus gnat. BTI is so cheap. 100% effective too.

As an update - seems like dolomite lime fixed the issue. They seem to be greener and growing again. so damn happy. Also - added a WW X NL auto - doing great on its own.