Is the medical marijuana law abused?


Active Member
if you just want to get stoned there is legal synthetic canabinoids that are actually alot stronger than pot. jwh- 018. am 2201... just to name a couple. and if you got nausia from pain meds and no apetite weed is a godsend. i cant say it takes pain away but def makes it tollerable. these synthetics just get you blowed out and dont want to move off couch. lol
what i do in my house is my business as long as it dosent affect or infect other people. PERIOD

Little Jon or Wayne (the black guy( had a special on VH1 and they were questioning what he had in his cup he always carried around, wondering if it was liquid codeine or alcohol, and he came out and said plain and simply, " Its MY cup, fuck you."

and sorry about the link, it worked the first time, maybe they took the page down.


Active Member
Admittedly Portugal isnt a 100% example, but its the best we have and the evidence we do have, shows that it is not a terrible idea. Sure, I don't think being able to go to the gas station to buy PCP is a good idea, nobody should do PCP, but picking and choosing what people can and can't do is a slippery slope.

As for methheads stealing your TV, why are they stealing your TV? because they need more meth, and meth costs a lot of money. To get the money that they need to spend, due to it being illegal, they steal your TV. They don't take a hit of meth and go "omg... you know what sounds like fun??? stealing TVs!!!!"

Also, most of those issues are about misuse. People will misue things if thats what they wanna do, with or without your permission. All being illegal does is make it ney impossible to get any real info. So when the kid gets exposed to meth, he has no idea that it isnt just like weed, and tries it anyway without knowing the real risks. He knows the gov's full of shit, but thats about it. Sure they give some real info, but its watered down by so many lies it doesnt help. My 11 year old brother the other day heard a joke about crack and he said he knew about it and I chewed him out. I asked him what he thought it was and his answer was "a type of weed". I always play the "drugs are terrible, never do them" with him, he has no idea everyone around him smokes. That is great for this "innocence" but the gov has been beating this innocence out of us for a long time. The only thing to come of it is misinformation. Sure, maybe a few more people would do that "one try" but so many more of those "one try" people would stay at "one try" simply because they would know the real deal and not just guess at it.

I grew up smoking and looking back, I was so dumb it hurts. Do you have any idea how many people have no idea that you smoke the flowered buds? I have heard tons of stories of little punks growing a plant like 1 ft tall, then smoking the entire thing. It isnt there fault, I see posters and "information" everywhere stating that you smoke the dried leafs. Disinformation is more dangerous than any drug (except maybe meth and PCP, admittedly I wanna pick and choose a few drugs to stay off limits, but I would feel like a hypocrit doing that, which is why I support full legalization).

So, If they legalized just weed, I wouldn't really fight for everything else, not worth my time, or energy. I agree some drugs are just plain bad, its more of a moral thing.


Active Member
its not the gov responsibility to inform kids how dangerous drugs are... its ours as parents.

So, If they legalized just weed, I wouldn't really fight for everything else, not worth my time, or energy. I agree some drugs are just plain bad, its more of a moral thing.[/QUOTE]

sadly a very small percentage of the world feels the same moral standards.


New Member
is the medical marijuana law abused?

I would say it is abused by some, those with substance abuse problems perhaps or people who go over the limit I think that would qualify as abuse. However, that is an entirely different topic from what is being discussed in this thread. In this thread 'marijuana law abuse' seems to be defined by some as 'people who get medical marijuana for recreational purposes'.

The question this thread begs to ask is 'What exactly is recreational use of marijuana or abuse of marijuana and how do we separate that from medical use?'. The answer to that question is much more simple then you might think! It is the job of the doctor to define this secondly but primarily its the responsibility of the patient.(notice how I didnt mention the government or complete strangers) The line between medical and recreational is much more broad then you might think, a 25 year old otherwise healthy individual smoking a joint after a day of hard work is done to relieve stress and anxiety, well that could qualify as medical use, he/she is indeed relieving an ailment with marijuana.

so here is my solution for the people that believe the medical marijuana law is being abused: GET OVER IT - STOP PLAYING DOCTOR!


The card serves its purpose, you generally don't see heroin addicts, felons, and people with substance abuse problems toting medical marijuana cards and visiting their doctor! NO! If they do manage to get a card they last their usual 1 year out of jail at best! It is LAW ABIDING citizens who go to their doctors and pay a bunch of cash and get a card because they are trying to ABIDE BY THE LAW. It is when these irresponsible criminal type people do get cards that SURPRISE they get busted and they still get the book thrown at them. I was just reading some article were some guy got busted before his card came in the mail? You kidding me? Would a resposbile adult get busted within 90 days? Hell NO!

so my final questions for you who think the marijuana law is being abused:

1)What are the consequences of this abuse aside from an irrational fear that it will somehow prevent yourself from using marijuana?

2) Why is it a big deal for you if people use marijuana? (again setting aside irrational fears)

3) How is it any different then before? Assuming criminals are now getting away with breaking marijuana laws how does the marijuana laws actually help them evade arrest from other criminal activity?

4) How has the medical marijuana law effected people with substance abuse problems? How is their behavior any different? What is the impact on society of these laws and how does it effect you directly?

5) Why should the government attempt to regulate the behavior of everyone based on a few individuals?

6) Have you ever met a crackhead murdering rapist with a medical marijuana card? If you answered yes than why did he waste money on a medical marijuana card?

after asking yourself these questions you should find yourself free of the propaganda and lies or uneducated opinion which led you to believe that the marijuana laws are being abused in the first place.


Well-Known Member
The difference between a responsible and irresponsible marijuana user
is the same difference between a responsible and irresponsible alcohol user.
The big difference being far less potential for death from one of the two irresponsible groups.
Are the alcohol laws being abused?