Is the cannabis plant and vitex agnus- castus related somehow?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm not even close to an advanced grower but I thought this would be the best place to put this thread since there are a lot of experts here.

I have a chaste tree (also known as the hemp tree, vitex agnus- castus, etc.) in my yard and my parnter and I have always wondered if it is related to cannabis.

It's leaf structure is about the same, always with an odd number of leaves and it grows these purple flower type buds at the tops of each branch.

They look so close, I'm wondering if a person could cross pollinate them and get something funky going on with it. They grow huge and it's a legal plant!

Anyone have any ideas here? And please, let's try to keep the thread going for a little bit anyway. It's such a buzz kill when someone comes in and just tries to put an end to the discussion then nobody else ever gives their ideas.


Well-Known Member
Oh, one other thing I found on the net about it is that I guess some people use it to help with endometriosis. Sounds like there's gotta be some similarities.

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
Cross breed them and find out, I know you have some plants some where.. your a member of this site lol.