Is she ready?

She is only 4inches so very small and its really hard for me to tell if its ready, probably wont even get a dimes worth? what do you think?
Its Samsara El Alquimista started Flowering on the 7th Nov, so its been flowering for about 2 and a half weeks. So not long at all..Is it ready?IMG_0463.jpgIMG_0474.jpgIMG_0475.jpg


Well-Known Member
By the white hairs I say no, but scope her out there could be some massive amber glands on her :D, really at two and a half weeks she is just beginning to flower.

Why is she so small?

WTF! flowering clone? Auto? Should me min 6 weeks..4"?
No I planted her from seed, I live in a area where its currently 12/12 but its been raining a lot so there hasnt been much sun (I keep her on the porch).

She is bigger than my last plant thankfually which started flowering at about a inch and a half lol...
WTF! flowering clone? Auto? Should me min 6 weeks..4"?
Thankyou guys so much for the replies :)
So I should let her be for another couple of weeks then? What would you reccomend? I really have no idea what im doing lol...
Was the picture ok I could take another?
She is very small, here is another picture, im worried about waiting to long, and not long enough, even those she is small I wont to get the most out of her as I can =). How long roughly would you wait? Is it a couple weeks yet, or is do you think she is getting close? Any help is appreciate, I am a totally newbie as you can see fromt he size of my plant lol.



New Member
I'm not trying to b disrespectful so don't take this the wrong way but are u serious?...I mean really?...that wont even pack a bowl....I'm did u make it stay so small?....I just don't understand what ur asking? what ready?
its the 12/12 season here, but its raining a lot, so not much sun outside.

None taken :), was wondering if the bowl was ready (or half a bowl lol) I didnt know if I should cut the top off and dry it, or wait longer..


New Member
its the 12/12 season here, but its raining a lot, so not much sun outside.

None taken :), was wondering if the bowl was ready (or half a bowl lol) I didnt know if I should cut the top off and dry it, or wait longer..
???....might as well wait...maybe it'll swell up a'd b better off putting it inside under a cfl or two if the conditions are so poor outside...

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
No its not ready, not in two weeks. Give it some more time and you may be surprised. Next grow I suggest getting a few cfls to put your plants under during the dark(outside)keeping them in veg mode a bit longer. Nothing wrong at all using the sun to grow. But even mother nature needs a helping hand from time too time....


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to b disrespectful so don't take this the wrong way but are u serious?...I mean really?...that wont even pack a bowl....I'm did u make it stay so small?....I just don't understand what ur asking? what ready?
You wanna smoke some pistils bro? haha.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start flowering at 1 inch my man.. Let those girls go to atleast 10-12 inches - then depending on the strain flowering can take anywhere from 6-10 weeks. I would either revert back to veg on those, or just leave them be - flowering for atleast another 10 weeks.. they are severely stunted at this point. Leave them flowering and start fresh lol.. do you really only want half a bowl?? *confused*

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I love this grow, something about it that just shines a certain quality. Grab a wee 40x micoscope and check the wee thrichomes and go for around 75% milky 25% amber :) Keep us (me) posted!! :D Peace


Active Member
Yeah I mean ya gotta start somewhere, but let IT GROW! I have given away lower popcorn buds bigger than that. Not trying to be mean at all but why chop something at 2 weeks of budding? you know it isn't mature......good luck and be patient! :blsmoke: