Is She good to go 12/12? Expert advice needed! (pics)

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by and lending a first timer a hand.

So here's my question.....Is my plant good to go on the 12/12 cycle under these conditions? She has been on the 24/7 cycle for about 6 weeks. I can't let her grow so tall due to the limitted space. If so how much do you think this plant will yield?

**She's a little stressed cuz I just transplanted and trimmed.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

you trimmed that plant?
that plant is having serious issues if it is 6 weeks old...

are you pH ing in your water?


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I got this plant from my brother. it was in real bad shape when I got her. I have given her a lot of attention now. I just looked at her looks like she needed more water. the ph of the soil is highat 7.8 but the ph of the water is 6 I am trying to lower the ph of the soil slowly. she is in moisture control mg. Now that I gave her some good water she has perked back up and her leaves are Erect again.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yes, she will be ok... make sure you water thoroughly and then let the soil nearly dry OUT.. you should notneed to water more than every 3-10 days... how often are you watering...

i like the fact that you are watering with 6.0
slowly raise that to 6.5 over the next couple waterings...



Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I will get you a pic right now and i am watering every time my meter says it's more that 2 and a half inches dry from the top sometimes more. I may need to water more since I think that was my problem. I think I was drying her out. cuz as soon as she got h2o she perked back up.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Here are some other pics of my almost 2 week old babies. the 2 pics on the left are pics of the same plant that is growing crazy. it has 3 leaves coming out of the top instead of the usual two. The one on the right is growing normally. tell me what you think.


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Anyone got some good advice for a noobie. I need all the good advice I can get. How much do you think this plant will yeild if I flower it now with just 100 watt cfls


Well-Known Member
looking good so far.....ill be honest with you its not going to be a big yield but if you grow it right it will be good bud providing that its female.when you say 100w CFL do you mean the ones that are equal to a 100w incandescent bulb or and actual 100w CFL? because theres a difference. your best bet would be letting it grow a few more nodes then top it. or you could carefully low stress train it a little to reduce size . also if you have good width you could mount your light in the top corner and put your plant in the opposite bottom corner and also gain a little more space rather then growing it directly straight up.
other than that your plant seems to being well and if you keep it up you may get about half ounce if your lucky in dry weight that is. all i can tell is you is pray for a female plant and feed it some good organic ferts during flower to get as fat of buds as possible. Molasses,fish emulsion,and organic flower vitamins all work very well if you use them right. the idea is to have a higher P rating than Nitrogen during the flower process.but always read instructions and be careful cause nutes can skrew things up real fast if not used right. topping and LST can be found in the grow faq if your interested but your plants will need a few more nodes if you want descent results.goodluck

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Tokes thanks for that. I will pray they are all female. I freekin love these plants like my children. And they are 100 watt Cfl's not the equivilent. I will not feed them till I flower cuz they are in mg soil. And half an ounce shyt thats good enough for me for my first grow. I will wait till the end of this month and I will top. Do I have to veg longer if I top? or can I top and put it strait to flower?


Well-Known Member
Tokes thanks for that. I will pray they are all female. I freekin love these plants like my children. And they are 100 watt Cfl's not the equivilent. I will not feed them till I flower cuz they are in mg soil. And half an ounce shyt thats good enough for me for my first grow. I will wait till the end of this month and I will top. Do I have to veg longer if I top? or can I top and put it strait to flower?
well first off you got the good CFL's so thats a good start cause they put out about 7-8000 lumens and the small ones only put out 1500-2000. As for topping it does increase veg time but in the end its worth it because you will have more buds:blsmoke: a normal Christmas tree style plant only grows one single main cola but when you top you end up with 2main colas and it also helps the plant become more bushy and will help increase the lower buds size a bit. If you have the time topping is your best bet to reduce size and increase yield.If you wait till end of DEC and top then let them go 2 1/2 3 weeks or so then you can flower them and hope for some females. if they are female then just make sure you do the same thing your doing now and then check out your local stores for some good organic ferts.chemical ferts just arnt the same. by the time your plant is done the mg ferts will be well flushed out so dont worry about bad taste or anything but do make sure you water the crap outta them and then let them dry really good then repeat again. do that when your in the last 3 weeks of flowering.o yea and make sure you have really good ventilation during flowering because you don't want mold. Im sure you know how far to keep your lights from the plant but if not 4-5 inches. and maybe add one more light or 2 durring flower to get as much light penetration on your plant as possible. but as long as you keep your temps in 70,s with light on and 60's with the lights off then your plants will be good.


Well-Known Member
It has developed quite a bit and looks better from when you first got it but not ready for flower yet. Those leaves look a bit droopy, either over or under watering. the flatter the leaf the better, its surface area to light is much larger when it is flat, which allows it to take in more light more efficiently. Pic the plant up, does it feel heavy or light for its size?

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
What up Robie. Thanks for the comment. I have some better pics of her on the fist page of this thread. She was underwatered cuz I was scared to over water her. But now I have a better idea of when she needs it. She is good now and not droopy and growing fast. She has a lot of new growth in the nodes. Lots of new leafs. I have a baby plant that is growing kinda out of controll. wierd node development. and leaves growing everywhere. her main stem split in two by itself like it has been topped. I will show you pics you can tell me what you think.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I took your guy's advice and waited till yesterday to flower her. It was her first 12 hour night and when I went into the room where she was sleeping it smelt like strait skunk and she was really perky. What the hell was going on in there. She loves the dark. HEre are some pics of what she looks like. Not showing sex yet. Let's all keep our fingers crossed she is not a he. That would really piss me off. Tell me what you guys think now.



Well-Known Member
looks good, hard to say the yield being under CFLs and not knowing the strain tho...

are you planning on giving this one nutes soon? the plants go thru a lot of growth during flower, so you are going to have to feed their hungry asses instead of the soil doing it for you!!

good start tho, looking forward to see if its a she