is my yeild small?


I run 2 600w HPS I get about 7 to 8 oz every 3 plants how does that sound? Also for some odd reason I keep finding seeds a whole fuckin bunch in 2 plants that I couldn't sell so I made hash and I pull my male young so IDK WTF is going on with that.


Well-Known Member
Female plants have tendencies to produce male parts (nanners and such) in attempt to multiply on its own if there is no male present. So it's a survival instinct, and can also be brought on by stress. Also, plants can be hermaphrodites. Hermies will produce seeds as well as buds too.

The yield thing... It does seem a bit light for what you're running, but not THAT light. Then again, I only know about your lighting. How are you growing them? Genetics is the biggest factor, environment being second.


Well-Known Member
I agree genetics are huge.
I think we take too much credit when it comes to yield and potency.
Breeders did most of the work
We're just glorified water boys.

Practicing on the same strain repetedly
will surely get your yield up though.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]about 7 to 8 oz every 3 plants [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i'm hoping to get 4 to 6 oz off one plant veg 5 weeks one week flower bud sites every were

seeds one plant turn male maybe just like any weed it will stay alive and drop a seed



Well-Known Member
I agree genetics are huge.
I think we take too much credit when it comes to yield and potency.
Breeders did most of the work
We're just glorified water boys.

Practicing on the same strain repetedly
will surely get your yield up though.
Yeah totally. Basically all the grower has to do is not screw it up, meaning providing the plants with the appropriate environment. I'd say the biggest control over yield we have is training the plant itself. Those two things are about all we can do, and of course practicing the same strain as well. Goddd, I get so bored at this time of night so I tend to get super runny with my words over very simple subjects. Gives me something to do though. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yeah totally. Basically all the grower has to do is not screw it up, meaning providing the plants with the appropriate environment. I'd say the biggest control over yield we have is training the plant itself. Those two things are about all we can do, and of course practicing the same strain as well. Goddd, I get so bored at this time of night so I tend to get super runny with my words over very simple subjects. Gives me something to do though. :shock:
I remedial anyway so I wouldnt notice.
It is a good way to kill time between
waterings. lol
Questions before I can help with yield. What seeds are you using? What nutes are you running? How close are your plants in relation to each other? What is your temp and humidity? are there any signs your plants are giving you that you might have a problem ( yellowing leaves, drooping leaves, soil odor, ect}? As far as hermies go the most common cause is plant stress. If you are say watering with un phed tap water that can cause stress and result in hermies. The second leading cause is light leaks. To solve that you will need to sit in your grow room for about 20 minutes with the lights off. It takes awhile for your eyes to really adjust to the darkness. after 20 minutes your eyes will show you small light leaks you never knew were there. the third leading cause is that you left them in flower for too long. female plant can sense the lack of pollen and at the end of their life cycle they will produce seeds in an attempt to keep their genetics alive. the best cure for that is to closely watch the tricrome development. if theyre all amber you will probably have hermies. If its not any of that then the only other question I have is are your plants with seeds the same strain as the ones without seeds? if not you might have just gotten some hermie seeds. happens from some of the more disreputable seed vendors.


everything is timed so they get 12 I don't know how this is happening I used organics go box now I switched to the flora series. I am noticing those seed pockets w/ the 2 hairs on the newly budding plants I getting pissed Im doin 8 to 10 at a time I harvest every three weeks 2to3 a harvest. should I switch to a tent to control the environment better? im choppn 2 this week an I thnk there seedy too


Well-Known Member
everything is timed so they get 12 I don't know how this is happening I used organics go box now I switched to the flora series. I am noticing those seed pockets w/ the 2 hairs on the newly budding plants I getting pissed Im doin 8 to 10 at a time I harvest every three weeks 2to3 a harvest. should I switch to a tent to control the environment better? im choppn 2 this week an I thnk there seedy too
Not trying to be slick here, but it sounds like you're doing too much. Run what you have to completion, sanitize, then run a smaller perpetual til you get some sensi. Sounds like your genetics are partially to blame, because you're describing way more than just a late flower banana.