Is my tent 1m2 too small with 6 plants ? PLEASE HELP !


Hi guys,
I have a big problem.. My tent is 1m2 and I grow in there 6 plants... 4 pots with 18L veg for 36 days and 2 pots with 11L veg for 25 days.The problem is that I want to put a net and do a scrog method and I'm not sure whether my all plants fit in there,maybe should I remove those 2 small plants ? Please look at my room. Thanks in advance guys.



Well-Known Member
I will run 4 in my 3x3 tent, but no more unless doing SOG. You may want to go down to 3-4 if you're using a screen to SCROG. 3 would fill it in fully pretty quick. It's really up to you, but 6 will get crowded with the stretch.


Well-Known Member
You don't "have" to. If you are going to SCROG then I would recommend going down to at the most 4. The stretch, once you flip for flower, will fill in the screen quickly, and with 6 would be overcrowded. Even flowering without the screen you are going to be packed. Also, if you are hand watering it will be very hard to get to the back plants. Remember, it's better to have fewer healthy plants than many just ok ones.


Well-Known Member
If you've got the height space, I'd just let them all grow as is. No screen or anything. See how they do.



Thanks a lot guys ! I'll remove those 2 plants.Tomorrow I'll try to put a screen, not too late ? veg for 36 days..