Is My Set Up Okay?!

Ocean Man

my best advice would be to either get your hands on some cash, credit or some sort of loan and buy your ladies some equipment, or, go buy some nugs from your friends and save the world of shitty weed from your closet. Just think of it this you really want to waste mine and your time on a shitty op? Needless to say the electrical bill that will come, and maybe the eviction notice. Do it right, or hit the club, or corner.


Well-Known Member
alright nab im taking your word for it. other people are saying i should use many smaller cfl's instead and that will work better. but i dont see the point of using a bunch of lights to get the same output as one light....a lot less hassle and wiring for me yeah?

thanks for your advice, im listening. 200 watt 6400k and a 200 watt 2700k for 4 plants. wish me luck homies!!!!
Well the benifet of a load of small cfls is you get light to all part of your plant. but the problem is the hassle of wireing up and runing that maney sepret bulbs.

You dont need to get a loan to start growing. 400watt of cfls is grand for your first grow. as i said a hps would give you better results but for your first grow cfls are good.
there workling for me anyway. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
my best advice would be to either get your hands on some cash, credit or some sort of loan and buy your ladies some equipment, or, go buy some nugs from your friends and save the world of shitty weed from your closet. Just think of it this you really want to waste mine and your time on a shitty op? Needless to say the electrical bill that will come, and maybe the eviction notice. Do it right, or hit the club, or corner.
Not trying to sound rude but what are you talking bout man?

"save the world shity weed" hes not trying to supply the world. hes just trying to start growing his own green. its not all or nothing.
and "do you really want to waste mine and your time" whos wasting your time? you didnt have to read this thread.

Ocean Man

Why waste nutrient and electricity on a grow that could turn out great with the right mind set. Buy equipment that is not hype, feed your plants what they need, and get it done right. I would be way into helping this dude out if he would put away the house lights and stop cutting corners, I can't stand that shit. GL Dude
hey naboo thanks bro! where did you order your set up from? ocean man, your an idiot. obviously quality chronic is grown everyday with CFL' can you just ignore that? I'm not growing from commercial use or any other use other than MY PERSONAL smoke! I plan on growing quality and having enough free smoke for me to last until my next cycle. I'm not using a HPS because their too pricy and too inefficient on electricity.

naboo, send me a pm tellin me what set up you use and where you got it, im gonna be ordering this week. thanks for all your help dude.


Well-Known Member
Without a dought the results would be a good bit better if he spent a grand on equipment and had a whole room of space.
But thats not possible for everyone. and cfls do supply sufficient energy for a decent grow in a closet, if you have enuf wattage.

And keep in mind its his first grow, hes only learning, as am I.
Im useing cfls, and when I have more space/money hopefully my next grow. i will upgrade.
but till then im happy with the rusults im getting.

Proper info also helps a great deal, so you should read this form and lurn from some of these veterans.
It helped me alot.


soil i use biobizz all mix and biobizz organic nutes you can pick them up on ebay etc. i suggest getting a cheap bathroom extractor there around 10 - 12 bucks get two one for inlet another for outlet one at the top of the door other at the bottom and a small osiclating fan for inside, as for those lights you can pick up some cfl's for dirt cheap on ebay


Well-Known Member
CFL's work great in flower.(just check my post)....for a hundo you can get a decent light set-up from prob 150w or spent an extra 60 and get the 250 either way will work you just have to go with one you feel you can keep cool and will work for your set-up, good luck


The lights make the plants, you can have the best soil or hydro setup and the best nutes and the best seeds from the best weed and if your lights aren't up to par it will end up shitty. What size is the area you are growing in? You gotta account for heat and humidity as well. if you put in your room specs i'll try to help you out, good luck