is my plant dead?


Active Member
Hi, i've attached a picture of my plant, its 4 days since i left it in ground [after having germinated it in a paper towel for 2 days]

I haven't yet put it in light condition here yet [wondering whether the sun would be too harmful to it for now].

29 degrees Celsius here and it is almost always sunny [i'll move it outside in the sun if needs be].

so is it already dead [as i don't see any leaf], before there used to be 2 green thick kind of leaves at the top, in the morning i woke up and saw that those weren't there anymore, its dead??? [seed and all isn't readily available here, and shipping seeds would get caught by the authorities around here. so out of luck i got 2 seeds from a friend who went out of country, on didn't germinate and this one germinated.

this is for medical purposes [epileptic]. (even if it is not even legal for medical uses here!)

here what you guys call bugs isn't even found on the streets here ... probably because those dudes just wanna make money they just sell crappy leaves, and what they consider as "buds" are male pods! been living with that till now, until i tasted a real bud ... its world apart and i was able to live months and months without a seziure from it.

anyways, i guess i made my intro and all in all that first thread..LOL

ps. hope i could get some good news [am almost caring for this thing as my child, the mere change seems like excitement and the least worries seems like death].

I've attached a pic of it, lemme know if it is dead or if i need to do anything about it.

Thanks for your advice



Well-Known Member
if germinated and there are no leaves (they fall apart...whatever), then ur plant is sadly going to die

where do u live that u cant find any bud? Thats crazy big brother shit

u can find bud in any city


Well-Known Member
there's dealers dealing all kinds of high and low level bud in any city across america perhaps your just not connected enough, if your new to the whole smoking thing i can see how that would be a problem. But smokers know smokers who know dealers work that angle


Well-Known Member
lol I been smokein for 30 years and live the same place I grew up. If I lost my guy I would be hard pressed to find someone that would sell or someone I would want to buy from. It just sucks to get old.


Active Member
if your new to the whole smoking thing i can see how that would be a problem. But smokers know smokers who know dealers work that angle
lol noo, its actually the other way round,because am fed up of smoking crappy stuff here, i want to grow my own stuff. only leaves are available, and they grow that in places hidden from sunlight, they don't wait for buds to appear, they just sell leaves.

if there happens to be buds, they sell a mixture of 10% buds and 90% leaves. [enough for only 2 joints] at $12 or $13

The only time i smoked really buds was when some friends managed to traffic some out of country.

and hell there's a universe apart :p.

effectively, the plant died in the morning.. pfft sad day.

sab from rehab

Active Member
damn that sucks here on the islands i get chronic shit all the time and my dealer is cooooooooooooooooool as hell. he gives extra 2 points on every gram and if its outdoor u usually get an extra half gram. and he has a tin of fresh seeds all the time, he gives em out if u ask at the right time . sorry about ur situation there.