is my plant a male or female?


Hello guys and gals.

This is my first grow and my plant has been 12-12 for 4 days now... i see some hairs growing however do not know if its a male or female due to hair looking things are green.

please feel free to look at the attached pictures

any help or information will be much appreciated.

Thank you...



I can't be sure because I think it's still a bit too early, but I think it might be male. Watch the node regions, and if pistils (hairs) start coming out then you know it's a female.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
looks to be female to me . really need another week to tell . it does have some female hairs on the stems . I do not see any nuts looking good I say your 99 % female .


Well-Known Member
Looking female to me also. Keep checking every day and if round balls show up pull the plant. Males are pretty distinct from females and balls form much earlier than buds. Do a search there is good info on IDing males from females.