Is my plant a male or female??


Hello guys and gals.

This is my first grow and my plant has been 12-12 for 4 days now... i see some hairs growing however do not know if its a male or female due to hair looking things are green.

please feel free to look at the attached pictures

any help or information will be much appreciated.

Thank you...



Well-Known Member
Hard to say 100% from those pictures, and probably to early to make the call, but if I was a betting man I'd say it looks like a girl my man!

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
still a chance that it could be female?
Give it a few more days and keep looking at those little acorn looking things in between the stem and the lateral branches... If you notice they get a small stem its male. If you don't see white hairs soon its most likely a male. I know it sucks and I'm not trying to get you down, but I'm pretty confident its a male.

Good luck though and happy growing


Well-Known Member
so i should just cut it down... im tempted to go look at it however its sleeping..
Don't go cuttin anything yet. Shit man, your weeks away from it being a problem even if it is male. You ask me what makes me so sure? My old eyes have been lookin at MJ plants for a long time....and they ain't so good anymore but I'm leaning towards female on those photo's you posted. Just a hunch...