Is my little gurl a lesbian now???


Well-Known Member
Ok now that i have your i was looking at one of my gurls today and shes topped and on one stem shes showing pistils and on the other branch i see what looks like male this a hermie???.....can a hermie turn my other females into males???////what could of caused this and is this possible that half is male and half is female cause i topped??? i let it grow or do i kill it im just afraid to turn my other females male....please help!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha. No, it wont' turn your other females male. But if it is a hermie it could pollinate your other girls. Take a look at a few pics of hermies in the FAQ (there should be some pics there), or take a pic of yours and show us for a more definate answer. But generally speaking, a hermie shows both the male balls and the female pistils at the same time. It doesn't really work where one side will be male and the other female. Like two face. But man that would be awesome. Anyway, I'd give it a few more days just to be on the safe side.


Well-Known Member
but if it pollinates them wont they turn male??? or will they turn hermie too long to i have from when they first start showing like just about pre- sex till they can infect my other plants>?


Well-Known Member
So you are saying lesbians are half males?

That plant with the balls is going to ruin your crop. Well make your buds seedy..ick.