Is my lady changing sex?


Active Member
I have my critical plants flowering for 32 days and today when the light turned on i noticed something strange on the bud. its not the best picture and just the first day I see this but will put more pics up. could really use some help.
thanksfotos do serg 106.jpgfotos do serg 108.jpgfotos do serg 105.jpg


Well-Known Member
pluck them little yellow nanners on top. She went hermie on ya it looks like. Search your plant over and if its the only one in the garden pluck them all off and keep on it til harvest. You will have to really clean your area before another grow though or else you risk pollinating future grows.


Active Member
so should I let them grow aliitle more will this uin my sinsemmila crop?
pluck them little yellow nanners on top. She went hermie on ya it looks like. Search your plant over and if its the only one in the garden pluck them all off and keep on it til harvest. You will have to really clean your area before another grow though or else you risk pollinating future grows.


Active Member
Is that your only plant? Definitely just pluck them off with tweezers... you'll want to inspect all of your budsites for them, everyday.


Active Member
Damn thats what i want to do: i just harvested a critical + auto yesterday and have these three critical plants and for my luck they are all with litlle bananas on the top of one bud each. these are clones from a feminized seed why the hell didi this happen?
snap the plant in half, and light it on fire, and vow to never, ever get so worked up over a little bit o' dope, or ANYTHING, ever again. IMO


Active Member
if I control them and pluck all the bananas out every day will it work? It only had bananas on one bud each will they keep coming back on the same bud or will they eventually show up on other buds?


Active Member
if I control them and pluck all the bananas out every day will it work? It only had bananas on one bud each will they keep coming back on the same bud or will they eventually show up on other buds?
It will definitely help. They could show up on other buds too which is why you need to look closely every day. If all of your plants have this you either have a light leak or bad genetics as someone else suggested. Make sure your grow room is 110% dark during lights out.


Active Member
I have two orangebud and one blueberry in my room flowering for 15 days now i dont want to pull them out, if I check my plants when light goes on and when it goes off maybe can i save them? Is there a chance of getting a decent crop?


Active Member
Thanks for the help very appreciated
It will definitely help. They could show up on other buds too which is why you need to look closely every day. If all of your plants have this you either have a light leak or bad genetics as someone else suggested. Make sure your grow room is 110% dark during lights out.


Active Member
I have been growing outdoor since living in Europe for 15 years, and have had always street light around my plants at night, and how about the moonlight? why havent I ever had male flowers so late in the flowering stage. I will just harvest this crop in 2 to 3 weeks and will be desinfecting the room. I have some more critical clones vegging from the same mother but I am scared of bad genetics. I had my room temp maybe a little to high controlled it adding a little fan aiming at the bulb. Light leak is difficult maybe happened one or two times. For the male flowers to show up now when would the stressing start? I would really love some help for this not to happen again.:wall:


Active Member
I have had great help so far on this thread but still some questions I would love someone to answer. Here gose one more... since i will be picking out the male flowers untill harvest should i keep feeding or will it grow more and faste male flowers?


Active Member
About the street lights- well idk about euro, but in the u.s our street lights a hps bulbs. And it will fuck a outdoor crop up. But lights fades over distance and with the hps streetlight. Shou
D be good from about 30 feet or so. Amd bro about the moon come one. Its a plant grown outdoor for ever now. The moon isnt bright enough.
I think u gpt a light leak tho. Take ur plants out. Hope in tent with lights off and have a buddy zip u up in it. I had hermi northern lights. And i had a light leak at the top of my tent were it zips up. Could have avoided it all if i woulda tookthe time to actually look. Anywho check for a light leak.

Ps. Feed as normal. But weigh ur options. Risk polinating ur whole crop or pull the 1 plant out now. Choose wisely. Lol


Active Member
well I found male flowers in three critical clones so i will not remove or kill the three. i will have to deal with it i will kill the blueberry and orange bud plants right after harvesting the critical maybe make some hash? i have 4 mazar and 4 critical jack clones in my veg box about 1 foot so i will desinfect everything and put them right in after harvest. so you think i should feed as normal? I need a crop to smoke. my medicine i grew outdoor last year is almost over.
THANKS for the hep
About the street lights- well idk about euro, but in the u.s our street lights a hps bulbs. And it will fuck a outdoor crop up. But lights fades over distance and with the hps streetlight. Shou
D be good from about 30 feet or so. Amd bro about the moon come one. Its a plant grown outdoor for ever now. The moon isnt bright enough.
I think u gpt a light leak tho. Take ur plants out. Hope in tent with lights off and have a buddy zip u up in it. I had hermi northern lights. And i had a light leak at the top of my tent were it zips up. Could have avoided it all if i woulda tookthe time to actually look. Anywho check for a light leak.

Ps. Feed as normal. But weigh ur options. Risk polinating ur whole crop or pull the 1 plant out now. Choose wisely. Lol