Is my cloning method right ?? HELP!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey i just toke 4 clones off my mother plante , i cut them a litle lower were i thought was just did a 45 degree angle cut , diped them in my cloning solution . Placed them into pellets (the biggest in a pot) then put them into there Dome . Im only using 7.0 ph water to feed them.

Is this the way to do it.?????

A picture Grow4tho187's Marijuana Growing Profile


Well-Known Member
Sounds ok except for the feeding part. No need to feed freshly cut clones. If you want you can get a spray bottle and mist the leaves a couple times per day.


Well-Known Member
yeah youre all good...usually keep the ph for soil from 6 to 6.5 but shouldnt make a dif really