is it wrong to be a proud white male


Master of Mayhem
in other words, you are pride because there is something better about it

i dont like when people are proud because they are white, black, gay
those things dont make you better, there is nothing to be proud of being a specific color

So your not proud of your Latin heritage? It's not the color that people are proud of, it's where their roots are.


Master of Mayhem
No one is saying that it makes them a better person (well I'm not anyway). It's just that some people are proud to represent their heritage. You get what I'm saying?


New Member
no is sayin a better person just to be proud......lets say you have 2 sons an you take them both fishing an only one catchs a fish while this makes you PROUD of him you dont think he's better than the other its just that your proud...same should be when you look upon your skin an hertiage....


New Member
I'm proud of my heritage... I love history. Yes, we should all have pride in ourselves. We shouldn't be proud to be a certain colour though, that's just silly. we should be proud of the person we are.

I don't wake up in the morning and decide I'm going to be a better white person, I decide I'm going to be a better person.


New Member
does ne one have an opinion on afermative action...personally the counter racism in this law sickins me...all laws like these only further the fact that we as a people are should be about the better person not the quata of minirties you need to fill...


Well-Known Member
it really is bull im surprized minoritys or more offended by this but there gettin a job so??? what r u guna do?


New Member
We are not different. Where do you get this idea? We have differences as human beings, some are tall, some short, some fat etc...

What fact, that we are different? We are all human beings.

I know you AZ', you're confused right now. I don't believe you are a bad person, I just don't think you're ready to accept that people are essentially the same. I hope you see the light.


New Member
i know we are different thats the problem i see things people dont wanna see...the truths in life are sad to some but normal to me....i mean it would be great if everyone was treated equal...color sex homo' would be spectacular if we could end world hunger an stop killin the planet....but the sad truths are that we as a people are diggin our own graves....


New Member
i know we are different thats the problem i see things people dont wanna see...the truths in life are sad to some but normal to me....i mean it would be great if everyone was treated equal...color sex homo' would be spectacular if we could end world hunger an stop killin the planet....but the sad truths are that we as a people are diggin our own graves....
You haven't got a clue. I should ban you for being under 18.


New Member
well couple points here first im 21...second if you ban me for my beliefs your no better than the people you try an attack....also whats wrong with that last post its the truth cant you see....or are you just another zombie thinkin he's


New Member
well couple points here first im 21...second if you ban me for my beliefs your no better than the people you try an attack....also whats wrong with that last post its the truth cant you see....or are you just another zombie thinkin he's
Well, I have a couple or 5 points too. 1st, I said I should ban you for being under 18.

2, I can't believe I'm trying to explain anything to you.

3, i never said I attacked anybody.

4, what's right with your last post? It's incomprehensible garbage.

5, I've always been free, even if I was incarcerated.

Freedom is a state of mind.


New Member
once again im not 18...once again you talk of bannin me for my beliefs....also you must have understood it since you opened your mouth about it...fuck ban me i dont care..ill sign up another account an use that...abn that one i'll get i will say the same things over an over...for the truth will be heard even if the likes of you want to stop it....peace an grow.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
once again im not 18...once again you talk of bannin me for my beliefs....also you must have understood it since you opened your mouth about it...fuck ban me i dont care..ill sign up another account an use that...abn that one i'll get i will say the same things over an over...for the truth will be heard even if the likes of you want to stop it....peace an grow.
WORD?:neutral: :neutral: :neutral:


New Member
once again im not 18...once again you talk of bannin me for my beliefs....also you must have understood it since you opened your mouth about it...fuck ban me i dont care..ill sign up another account an use that...abn that one i'll get i will say the same things over an over...for the truth will be heard even if the likes of you want to stop it....peace an grow.
One day you will gain the extra brain cells necessary to lead a normal life.