Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?


Well-Known Member
nowhere have i ever said i was any good at growing anything. you on the other hand claim to be the know-all-of-everything-green.

you have gnats and mildew. that shit gets in your finished smoke. it is reason for concern. never mind what i'm doing, you need help.

i'm working with two 15 amp breakers. that's all i got. one more small fan and the breaker trips. i have no options for any more amps. 30 is my max. you got a plan for me?

DOOOOD!!! All you need are some CFL'S!!!


Well-Known Member
I read all 11 pages of this fucking thread and the whole thing was a fucking arguement that went no where and a man left stuck with a childish tantrum that back fired on him (he spotted your fails on your grow)

If every man on earth had an ego like your by god would we never better ourselves.

And to you Mr. Fdd, you have some fucking composure mate and i applaud you for that.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
forget these growers sorry but most don't understand pure and simple english,,,, thining your plant only helps.. ssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
The whole point of this board is to share knowledge. I think too many people get their egos involved myslef included. I just hate getting ripped on and basically being called a liar by people who really dont know wtf they are talking about.
espishaly from a grower who no's nothing about PH.. and every one want to listen to that guy.. growing indoors ph is a big factor.


Well-Known Member
if you want your budz to taste like shit.. that sullfur gits right into the budz
if you run it too long, yes it does.

do you all think i would use it if it had a negative effect? after 2 years i would know if it did. don't blame me if you can't figure it out. ;)

i did not make this shit up. it was taught to me. :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you run it too long, yes it does.

do you all think i would use it if it had a negative effect? after 2 years i would know if it did. don't blame me if you can't figure it out. ;)

i did not make this shit up. it was taught to me. :)
i talk to and see a lot of setups and the majority of growers say they work great but that's the down fall the silver taste and smell, but they will use it still because it works so good..
i don't blame nobody but myself if i choose to or not to..
thats the beauty of this site take it in or don't.
is your weather still warm down there of are you seeing any rain yet...


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI.

Sulfur works great, and FDD is right about running the burner for a minimum period. For small rooms or small mildew infestations, a teaspoon of baking soda in a quart of water, sprayed over affected foliage will take care of the problem.

Mildew can only reproduce in a very narrow pH range. Sulfur lowers the pH. Baking soda raises it. Either works. Sulfur is more efficient in larger rooms, and provides even coverage.

I've smoked a lot of great tasting buds from rooms with sulfur burners.


Well-Known Member
nowhere have i ever said i was any good at growing anything. you on the other hand claim to be the know-all-of-everything-green.

you have gnats and mildew. that shit gets in your finished smoke. it is reason for concern. never mind what i'm doing, you need help.

i'm working with two 15 amp breakers. that's all i got. one more small fan and the breaker trips. i have no options for any more amps. 30 is my max. you got a plan for me?

Havent bothered reading past this post yet but sure. Run another 15 or 20 amp cable in to your room from the main. I have done this over and over and over as I upgrade the setup. You dont need any power to simply add a tray under your plants with a drain system so you can drain to waste and pump out the old water. Would make your plants much happier. You should be using atleast a half gal to every gallon pot you use every watering. Time to expand my friend. Your yields are lacking in a mjor way.

FYI a few fan leaves out of that many plants on ONE round isnt a concern nor is the gnats which I dont even have right now. I forgot to use my foilar spray once. I only have to spray my plants once every 3-4 weeks not burn a bunch of sulfur every single night. Everytime you go in there you are getting sufur all over youself everytime you touch something and your shoes when you walk in there. Not good for the plants or the final product either. Doesnt matter if people buy it anyway.