Is it too late for her??


New Member
They have both been in the same conditions and both had been cheated out of good light for almost a week just after sprouting.... My ballast busted and scrambled for some cfls to hold them over until the new ballast came in.

They are two different strands and idk why one is screwed and the others are not... If anything I expected them all to die but this is the only bad one out of three.. So now I'm a day shy of being 2 weeks in and I'm not sure if I should plant another or hope she pulls thought. I feel like if I do plant another it will catch up quickly because it will have ideal conditions at her early life compared to her sisters.

Anyone have any ideas on what went wrong with this one and if there is anything I can do to get her to bounce back?

Any input is appreciated



Active Member
the bad one looks burnt or the soil may be to hot for that strain. notice the crispy leaves? are u feeding if u r Id stop. I'd pull lights up n force her to stretch pay attention to the stem n see if grows if it dnt grow up in 2 days pull it


New Member
Yeah I was thinkin maybe my mix was too hot for that strain. I will definitely pull the light up I have been trying to get it closer and closer because I thought it was lacking good light..

Thanks for the feedback


Active Member
we'll prolly could go both ways I was only trying to minimize heat so u can narrow the issue down. it's up 2 u u should always take everything wih a grain of salt let us know!


Active Member
also keep in mind with the burnt leaves it may be harder for the leaves to feed on the light just my opinion. either it'll recover or it won't