Is it to late?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I have a plant that i started in late april that is now in the flowering stage. It is just now beginning to plump up and produce trichomes. I have been giving this plant Super thrive and Fox Farm grow big. I Have not yet givin her flowering nutrirents and am wondering if it is to late in the flowering stage for me to start giving her nutes for budding. what do you guys think. She will probably end up going until late october by the looks of the thc development



Well-Known Member
How big is this plant dude april 5 months in veg the plant will be a tree.Big is not always the best way forward in indoor growing.By flowering at around a foot tall the plant will recive far more light giveing the plant more bud sites.If you are going to grow big then you must have the lighting to deal with a plant of this size.This has got to be a out door grow right,the answer to the question is it is never too late but i would go for a liquid feed like vitalink and buddy.