Is it suppose to turn to ash when burned?


Well-Known Member
Had some bud curing for 1-2 weeks and they feel pretty dry to me. (still squishy though, compact but not like rock-solid compact)

The sample cured buds I've taken won't stay lit but after a few tries they eventually cherry. However I don't get the white ash as they burn.

Is weed suppose to turn to ash when burned or is that really dry weed?


Active Member
roll a joint and smoke it, if it burns evenly and a decent pace than it should be fine. if its hard to keep lit and burns fucked u still need to cure for a while.
when you smoke a joint, put an ash in your hand and squish it, all the ash that isnt white is chemicals:)


Well-Known Member
I tried hitting it as much as I could but the ash stayed black and greasy lookin. lol.

Don't have any joint paper lying around just a regular metal pipe. I'm not much of a smoker, that's why I know so little about how properly cured bud should look/taste.
I actually quit weed a long time ago but got back into it cus I wanted my cousin to quit and stop wasting money. So I was like, stop wasting your money i'll grow you some. Little did I know I'd become addicted to growing and start smoking again. Can you say ironic.

Anyway is it really true that unflushed weed will burn black? I flushed mine for a week though.


Well-Known Member
yeah id say if it doesnt turn to a white ash when burned its either two things, didnt flush long enough, or properly, or u havent cured long enough.


Active Member
After 2 weeks doubt it's the cure that is the problem. Did you use alot of chemicals during growth?
The issue you are having is almost always caused by over fert or under flushing or combo of both...


Well-Known Member
Are you blaminig nutes for the fact the nug won't light up easily? I blame the cure and the dry....


Well-Known Member
Turns out my pipe just needed to be cleaned. It will cherry now, but in order to get it to turn ash white I have to hit it a few times after it's black and by that time it tastes nasty and isn't good for you I heard...

Also, there are some who say flushing doesn't affect taste. People like Uncle Ben and a few prominent forum members on here are against flushing. Personally I have a very hard time tasting the difference between any kind of weed so I don't know who to believe.

I just cut off some fresh bud and oven toasted it, and my friend, a veteran smoker said it tasted and burned correctly.

So maybe bud that tastes bad just wasn't trimmed/dried/cured properly and has nothing to do with flushing/organic/inorganic.