Is it nute burn or deficiency?


Active Member
No, im not using Superthrive, neither B1.

I have been using distilled water with a PH of 5.8 and I have to wait for few more days to get my diamond mylar.

I hope you are right about the nute burn.

bam.. there is your issue. pH5.8 is too hot for soil and 10x more acidic than pH6.8, bro. Don't worry about the bugs, it does not look like bugs. spidermites and flyers cause bleached spots, not rust spots. ;)


Active Member
not sure now, soil and perlite 50/50 mix

not sure if you would call this a soil grow or hydro grow but one things for sure you soil can't hold water for long, you must water ever day


Well-Known Member
Well, thank you SO much.

By the way the PH of the soil itself was labeled to be 6.0 on the bag when I got it.

Seems like I've happened to take some misinformation about soil watering PH in the past though.

Fortunately you have told me what's the deal.


Active Member
pH 6.0 for soil is some hot shit.. :weed: typically "acid loving" soil is pH'ed to 6.2-6.8. I usually use organic ferts and this causes my outdoor soil grows to get pretty acidic. If your soil is pH 6.0 and you use 50% volume of perlite, 6.5 pH should do you well. remember to back off the nutes a little and don't stress them too much. Let the medium dry a little and on your next watering, try pH 6.5 and 1/8 strength ferts. remember, you have soil and chicken manure, kelp, ect. plenty of fert still in the medium.

some people get over-corrective and freak out, man! :) remain calm! your plants look great and it could be a lot worse.