Is it normal for cotyledons to be curling down like this? (2nd day above soil)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lethidox! I've been running 24/0 and had my fan pointed at my led heatsinks but I dont think there was enough air circulation at the bottom of the tent. I also got some feedback that my light was too high above the medium.

Got those things more dialed now and it looks like they responded a lil overnight. The wonders of nature!
they should be fine imo as long as you got air circulation and the lights are not too close shouldn't see much issues. other then that if you seen my current grow it's nothing fancy. im running barely any fans and cheap chinese blurples plants did well as seedlings to now. they did better then they do outside i get massive amounts of air flow outside but lighting sucks for me as they don't get enough sunlight per day so they eventually start to flower on their own and even in flowering they lack lighting so the buds are not as big compared to what im dealing with now. i've ran 24/0 for a while it works but imo not worth the extra cost of electricity. thus i run 18/6 now. i would run 20/4 at most but that is all based on the growers. when i get better at growing i do plan to try 24/0 maybe again but so far 18/6 has been nice tbh.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4296920 View attachment 4296921 View attachment 4296925 At this age I water by cup weight. My start dry wt.was 120gr., wt.wet is 230gr. I don't go below 160gr. and water to no more than 210gr. Won't bore you with percentages because I'm not smart enough. Stuck them in the tent corner on a heat mat. I water using a 10 oz. plastic condiment bottle.View attachment 4296920 View attachment 4296921 [ATTACH
I like your style quirk, weighing a dry cupload is perfect for establishing a baseline.

Do you leave the solo cups on during transplant to prevent shock to the roots and for more structural support?


Well-Known Member
Usually no but ther3 was a user somewhere that i saw that did this. The holes in his cups were huge.. seemed to work fine for him


Well-Known Member
can't find the pics and not sure who the user was but basically he just cut huge pieces out of the solo cups so basically the cup had NO support. and the entire bottom was just a huge X and i think he just double cupped it so he put that cup into a regular solo cup so he could just easily remove the 1st cup and transplant it imo it's just too much work your better off just transplanting out of the cup it really isn't hard. easiest way is to take an empty cup or the existing cup and put soil or medium into your new pot and back fill around the cup so it has an indent of the cups shape then simply slide the plant in. just leave more space if you want to back fill the stems if they are too leggy and plant it slightly deeper.


Well-Known Member
I like your style quirk, weighing a dry cupload is perfect for establishing a baseline.

Do you leave the solo cups on during transplant to prevent shock to the roots and for more structural support?
doogledore- This transplant cup method has taken the stress not only out of myself, but now I'm not brutalizing the seedling with my lack of transplant and watering skills. I was the village idiot going from germ to veg. Now I can water by weight and have a great visual of the moisture content and root development by simply removing from the outer cup. At 14-21 days, I slip the inner cup into it's final home, 3 or 5 gal air pot. DSCN1650.JPG DSCN1651.JPG DSCN1653.JPG DSCN1656.JPG DSCN1754.JPG DSCN1748.JPG DSCN1744.JPG


Well-Known Member
doogledore- This transplant cup method has taken the stress not only out of myself, but now I'm not brutalizing the seedling with my lack of transplant and watering skills. I was the village idiot going from germ to veg. Now I can water by weight and have a great visual of the moisture content and root development by simply removing from the outer cup. At 14-21 days, I slip the inner cup into it's final home, 3 or 5 gal air pot. View attachment 4297524 View attachment 4297525 View attachment 4297526 View attachment 4297527 View attachment 4297529 View attachment 4297531 View attachment 4297532
this is what i was trying to tell the OP. seen one guy do this and it was just crazy.. blew my mind when i first saw someone doing this because he transplanted the cup into bigger pots easily. im not a fan of potting up this way but it is a cool idea for those that are interested and yea it works great.