is it better to have seperate rooms for the stages?


Active Member
for example, a room just for the baby stage, then another room for the growing stage and one for the flowering stage?

or just in one room and keep changing the temp, humidity and lighting, etc


Well-Known Member
it depends on what you are looking for. if you like a continious harvest like every two weeks go for the few room set up. do what you want out of your grow.


Well-Known Member
when going for SOG it is much better to utilize the mulitple rooms meathod that way harvests come much more often, but you must look at your costs, you are paying for space, equpment and most importantly lighting. if you are not growing enough to match what this is worth than the multiple rooms are not of value. when having multiple rooms you need multiple lights and this adds up fast


Active Member
the place im at has 3 rooms with everything setup, 1 room for the cloning, 1 room for growning and the other for flowering/harvesting... but it seems like a waste of time moving around the plants after each harvest...

whereas im thinking just leave the set in one room and just adjust the temps and lighting and whatever needs to be changed...

wouldnt moving the plants around too much stress for the plants?

or one room just for the cloning and the other 2 i have both growing and flowering... but it would be alternating coz the cloning room has half as many lights as the other rooms...