is EJ causing an N def. in flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
So far no response from the increased N. The light green ones continue to discolor. The ones put in 2 weeks ahead of those look like little twigs with sparse popcorn buds everywhere. Absolutely no fan leaf. Or bud leaves, those die also. I think I'll just throw those ones away.:(

Ive had a similar yellowing recently. Ive heard Cal and Mg deficiency as the yellowing starts from the back of the leaves instead of the tips. I have been trying epsom salts at 1tsp per gall and 1/2 strength nutes (now that I burned some using 1tsp and full strength). The salts seem to help this some although I have one plant that is damn near all yellow. The Misty I am growing out seems to be really senstive to this problem. I am thinking about getting some Cal-mag to fight the problem better. Hope this gives some insight into your problem. If the fan leafs are gone I would ditch them and start new ones. This is what I will probably do if the problem gets so severe.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. My entire plant turns light green then to yellow over 2 days to a week. Wish I knew the ppm.


Well-Known Member
I went to the hydro store today and talked it over with the guy and he went on a spiel about earth juice being garbage and some outspoken rant about people being retards. Any way he did what any hydro store guy would do and I fell for it....kinda. Said my problem was from earth juice and then recommended the pure blend pro nutes which I went for but I only bought the grow. I'll mix it with the EJ bloom and the other stuff im using. :hump:


Well-Known Member
having the same problem :(
my whole plant turns yellow at the end of week 4
still has buds but every leaf has turned yellow
using EJ


Well-Known Member
good lordy....could it be the nutes?
Kind of... I am using Fox Farm and have had similar problems. I think some strains just need more Cal and Mag than others. Just get cal-mag to supplement and fix the problem. Everything I have read on this problem points to this stuff to fix the problem. I'm just waiting for some flow before I pick some up myself.


Well-Known Member
My white berry into week 3 are slowly discoloring to a very light green. Its affecting 3 out of 5 plants. As I said my new choice of nutes are pure blend pro so far only using the grow and bloom formulas. For bloom I use 1.5-3-4 with 0-3-1 EJ, FF big bloom, and molasses. I quit adding N when I got the pure blend. Last night I checked the runoff water of the yellowing plants and that came out to be 6.2-6.4 so they have to be getting food once again this seems to be an N defficiency.


Well-Known Member
im having similar problems but was told it is fairly normal for yellowing during flowering. "Once the plant goes into flowering, it knows it is going to die, therefor it begins to use up its "Stored" energy in the fan leaves.", this also seems to be why you Dont trim fan leaves. This seems reasonable to me. My buds have not been affected by the yellowing, they stay dense and sugary. This is some ULTRA smoke ive grown too. In the end, is the finished product Dank or what ? Im not too worried about the "yellowing" anymore. And YES those are quart mason jars, sooooooooo pretty



Active Member
I harvested my plant that had all the leaves fall off. It looked pretty weird as the weeks progressed and EVERY SINGLE leaf feel off, but the buds got huge and eventually were pretty covered in trics. The main cola was almost as big as my forearm. The smoke is OK. It was a bagseed so expectations were low and I'd say I'm alright with the result. I cant say it was Earth Juice that caused the problem since it was my 1st grow. I could have goofed it up to be honest. My regret is that I can't regenerate the plant now, since it has not a single leaf to speak of. But thats why we have seed banks, right?

I do have a 2nd bagseed that is in progress. The plant looks different than my 1st so I think its a different strain. So we will see if the leaves fall of this one when flowering time arrives.


Well-Known Member
yeah ya know thats why you see beautiful pics of 5 week old plants that havnt a single leaf on them and scrawny ass buds.............get it???............its not normal for flowering plants to discolor until the final 10 days. People who say that that shit is normal havnt a clue what thier talking about. Ever since switching from EJ my shits come back strong.


Well-Known Member
a weakness with EJ, but my finished product is the bomb. in the end thats what counts, right ? i have enough EJ stocked for a year. My cousin , who had his own recipe for 15 years, has recently changed to House&Garden for soil. I have never seen plants so lush and dark green/purplish ever. When I asked if it was Organic, he said about 80% he thought. Im probably going to try the house&garden next time around. That or Root Organics from Oregon.


New Member
While we are on the subject of nutes, has anyone with soil grow notice that in the run off water from the pots little goldish and silverish metal flakes. I wonder if its the metals from the nutes being bound together? I will try to take some pics of what Im talking about. Thanks