is EJ causing an N def. in flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
Ive been fighting an ongoing problem for the past few weeks. My plants yellow over2-3 days and lose all of thier fan leaves then it hits the sugarleaves turning them completely yellow and shriveling up and falling off. It seems to attack the entire plant all at once.
Ive asked and made a few posts and Ive gotten responses ranging from I shouldnt worry about it, Im obsessive, Im using just earth juice and molasses causing an N defficiency, Its completely natural etc. Im sorry but a plant 3 weeks into flower losing all its leaves is not natural.
But could it be its not getting the N it needs? I dont know what the hell is going on. I do everything right, I ph my water, let the soil dry out, keep the temps down. What the fuck is going on? I dont understand how people can grow fields of this shit and all I seem to grow are sick plants.:confused:


Well-Known Member
I would try backing off from EVERYTHING for a little while. It's the plants that I intend to kill by neglect that fucking come back stronger than ever. Damn them!

Anyway, if you're doing a whole bunch of things at once it makes it far more difficult to single out the cause(s) of the problem. Yellowing is a nitrogen issue, but it could also be an excess of nitrogen, for instance.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
maybe its a slight excess of everything at this stage have you flushed it out to see if that releases the nutes


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed them the other day and the runoff of some of the plants were as high as eight while some of themthe run off was at the proper PH. So I kind of ruled out nutrient lock out. I agree that they could be N defficient but I dont see how it could be. I feed them a heaping tablespoon of molasses and my 0-3-1 bloom with 0-0-10 meta-k. Plants dont use that much nitrogen while in bloom so if it were an N def. it would have to be pretty significant to make a plant go from green to completely yellow within 2-3 days. I think I'llgo on a mission to see what the roots of these sick plants look like. Im using EJ grow on my mothers and clones nd theyre all beautiful and healthy. Thiers lots of people that do what Im doing and have spectacular results. It frustrating to have 4 shitty harvests in a row.


Well-Known Member
prep your water ? bubble it in open container to remove chlorine ?
"brew" your feed mix for at least 24 hours ? are you using EJ grow, bloom & Cat ?
Any flowering additives ?
Soil ? possibly "root bound" ?
Seeds or clones ?

i just finished my first batch ever. i used Ej 3-part(grow,bloom,& catalyst) with Foxfarm open sesame,beastiebloomz,&cha-ching flowering additives at recomended doses, starting a little light on my mix and working my way to full strength. Came out great. i did use clear-X 2 weeks into flowering to help with a light flush. Found good recipes for EJ at . . i shop at Northern Roots in Redding, where do you shop ?


Well-Known Member
Ej will "self correct" using its own biologicals. i tried to ph my brewed EJ and my plants hated it. went back to "brewing' or bubbling only for 36-48 hours and they are loving it again.


Well-Known Member
I use strictly EJ or pura vida grow/bloom. My vegging plants look great. Its my flowering room that looks like shit. I still havnt been able to get a look at the roots. But its still a mystery as to why these plants are sick. And yes, I ph my water after adding the nutrient to 6.2-6.4.
And I shop at garden highway garden supply in yuba city. My friend owns it.


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing the same here.

I'm starting to realize that it's rare to have healthy looking vegetation on a fruiting plant, be it an inside weed grow or a September tomato . . . it's nature, I guess.
Just like most everyone though, I want my deep green leaves deep green, even if they don't wanna be green!
That's the magic of this herb . . . you can kick the sh*t outta it and still you're gonna get some bud.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro,
Ha haaa, we are neighbors as I'm in Chico. What you are experiencing sounds a lot like what I was battling this last season on my kids. I was never able to find or figure out what the F it was or what was causing it on my outdoor grow. Roots were all healthy PH was right around 6.8 - 7.0 and for outdoor that is really fine.

I check for nitrogen def and mag def, you name it I checked for it and read up on it. In the end I was able to get everything out without problems. I did however have pain in the ass yellowing towards the end going into my sugar leaves causing me lot's of extra work trimming but in the end all was ok.

I would also like ot know what you find out as I think it made me go insance never finding out what and why.

Good luck
I use strictly EJ or pura vida grow/bloom. My vegging plants look great. Its my flowering room that looks like shit. I still havnt been able to get a look at the roots. But its still a mystery as to why these plants are sick. And yes, I ph my water after adding the nutrient to 6.2-6.4.
And I shop at garden highway garden supply in yuba city. My friend owns it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro,
Ha haaa, we are neighbors as I'm in Chico. What you are experiencing sounds a lot like what I was battling this last season on my kids. I was never able to find or figure out what the F it was or what was causing it on my outdoor grow. Roots were all healthy PH was right around 6.8 - 7.0 and for outdoor that is really fine.

I checked for nitrogen def and mag def, you name it I checked for it and read up on it. In the end I was able to get everything out without problems. I did however have pain in the ass yellowing towards the end going into my sugar leaves causing me lot's of extra work trimming but in the end all was ok.

I would also like ot know what you find out as I think it made me go insane after spending aournd 40 plus hours reading and researching and never finding out what and why.

Good luck

I use strictly EJ or pura vida grow/bloom. My vegging plants look great. Its my flowering room that looks like shit. I still havnt been able to get a look at the roots. But its still a mystery as to why these plants are sick. And yes, I ph my water after adding the nutrient to 6.2-6.4.
And I shop at garden highway garden supply in yuba city. My friend owns it.


Well-Known Member
I love chico. Back in the day I used to buy sheets and sheets of L from this kid that said they it was manufactured there. I ve been meaning to make it out there for halloween but my plans never happen. St. pattys day is the other crazy holiday. I also heard chico consumes 3% of californias alcohol LOL!

But yeah, the yellowing is really frustrating when everything seems to be going right. What can you do? Just wait it out and watch it progress and hope for the best. Fuckin sucks.


Active Member
I'm 4 weeks into flowering with Earth Juice products and I'm having the same problem. I've lost over half of my fan leaves, almost all are yellow. After they turn yellow they get discoloered and fall off. I'm freakin out over it.


Well-Known Member
Hi- I have had the exact same problem on this past grow using Biobizz grow + bloom. My leaves started yellowing at week 5. Now (week 8 )- many have fallen off, and about 65% of the leaves are completely yellow. Most sugar leaves are green, but it's creeping. I asked a question about this yesterday and was told that basically it's the normal extent of post flowering yellowing. As long as the buds look good, don't worry.

Just make sure you do continue the grow nutes at a lower amount during flowering, especially the first 3-4 weeks. I have used 1-2ml grow and 3ml bloom per liter for each feeding.

I knew that the leaves would turn yellow at the end of flowering, but I didn't know it may last for 3-4 weeks, and that at the end 65% of leaves may be yellowing/ falling off. Please someone correct me if I have been misinformed.

Hope this helps; just passing on what I was told. I asked the question because I was afraid to do the final 2 week flush/ leaching, with the plant already very yellow.


Well-Known Member
Thats bull shit. It is NOT "normal" for your leaves to go yellow with less than 3 weeks left. And even if they started discoloring during the flush, its a gradual yellowing. It doesnt happen within days. Im having alot of problems with EJ and Im either switching over to pura vida grow and bloom or I'll start adding a normal doseof 2-1-1 grow with the 0-3-1 and meta-k 0-0-10 along with microblast and FF big bloom with molasses. That should be plenty? Am I wrong? Pura vida is purley vegan and has good numbers; 6-4-3 grow and 2-6-6 bloom. Its just that they cost $28 a liter.


Well-Known Member
just a thought to try and be helpful :

you have vegging down pat, so you know about ph/nute/ppc/etc : the basic shit.
your flowering sounds very sick to me.
is it possible your not using a flowering fert/nute, but just a flowering additive such as a bloom enhancer?
i mean there are a million things on the market to add to a nute to give it extra oomph.
but a basic fert/nute is still needed.

you said :

I feed them a heaping tablespoon of molasses and my 0-3-1 bloom with 0-0-10 meta-k
now assuming your talking N-P-K, 0-3-1 and 0-0-10 both have zero N in them.
your talking a lack of nitrogen, but your not feeding it any nitrogen at all as far as i can see.

EDIT : try buying a FLOWERING nute, not a blooming enhancer, something that has some N in it, and give it a go. or mix in a little of your vegging nutes just to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I actually have started giving them a strong dose of 0-3-1 along with 2-1-1, 0-0-10 and the molasses. So they are getting 2-4-12 and what ever the tbsp molasses is and big bloom. But other wise I'll use a 2-6-6 fert and add the 0-3-1 bloom. But EJ is good shit. I cant see it being the sole reason of the yellowing. So many good crops have been grown with ej. I would be suprised if it turns out that way.


Well-Known Member
So far no response from the increased N. The light green ones continue to discolor. The ones put in 2 weeks ahead of those look like little twigs with sparse popcorn buds everywhere. Absolutely no fan leaf. Or bud leaves, those die also. I think I'll just throw those ones away.:(