Is Egypt bad for the US and Israel?


New Member
yep, just hold to the theory. the more it fails, the more correct it is, eh?

the egyptiam* military is slaughtering the muslim brotherhood to cover the fact that they are the same thing, right?

you are a fucking joke. the rest of your lame comebacks are not even worth humoring with a response, walrus fucker.
there is no such thing as the "egyptiam" military :lol: you fail at failing bro, next time unrustle those jimmies first menendez! :lol:


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight,

The U.S. gives Egypt a billion in military aid while cancelling all of the U.S. fly-overs and airshows due to budget cuts.

Are you fucking kidding me?.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight,

The U.S. gives Egypt a billion in military aid while cancelling all of the U.S. fly-overs and airshows due to budget cuts.

Are you fucking kidding me?.
And the administration apologists are running around saying that if we stop giving money to them we lose all influence. Meanwhile, Egypt has recently received 14 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia and other countries. How much influence do you think we have in the first place???


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight,

The U.S. gives Egypt a billion in military aid while cancelling all of the U.S. fly-overs and airshows due to budget cuts.

Are you fucking kidding me?.
really? a billion dollars... and this is what your worried most about?


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight,

The U.S. gives Egypt a billion in military aid while cancelling all of the U.S. fly-overs and airshows due to budget cuts.

Are you fucking kidding me?.
Yes they are fucking kidding us. Didn't you know that? See how it is getting very scientific now how to emotion tamper people?

We always knew about it in marketing. We want a visceral, an emotional the gut. People, as we can freely see here, are willing to buy the gut feeling over looking for facts. Makes it easy.

If you expect logic you will have to strip your humanity. It is a profession.That is the logic being used here. Vicious and calculating. More or less on it own track. Not out of control, so much as deep and deadly serious. Beyond us. If they told us, we would say WTF!!!???? So, you see a shadow of cold logic. Looks deranged to us, but we don't know enough. It is hit them where it hurts.

Yet, we don't know exactly who them are (us?) and what exactly does the hurt mean? Just relax. It is the Matrix. If you take the Blue pill, you may never recover. Of course, the Red pill is no joke either.

I've got a nice pile of Blue and Red. I don't swallow bitter pills of angst.


Well-Known Member
if you were in the lead, no veil, no bullshit, just pure truth.

do you think you would actually be happy?

and do you think you would get there instantly? or only after acclimating it?


Well-Known Member
This chaos is a direct result of "leading from behind".
Sheer genius at work.
lol, too unoriginal to come up with his own stuff, parrots ritt momney instead.

boy, the intellect on these pathetic followers makes little baby jesus cry.


Well-Known Member
lol, too unoriginal to come up with his own stuff, parrots ritt momney instead.

boy, the intellect on these pathetic followers makes little baby jesus cry.
Oopps, you're right. You have put me in my place, I am humbled. I can see clearly now. Everything is fine. Nevermind

This is your cue to call me Waffles.


Well-Known Member
You seem pissed off UB, did you have to have sex with your wife again?
how do you get pissed off out of that?

i was laughing at what a blithering fucktard you are for asking me to draw iran's route to the sea, kiddo.

you have no shame, just stupidity.


Well-Known Member
Can't resist the humor:
