is anything wrong with my seedling?


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of smaller marijuana plants that already had many, and waaay bigger leaves than mine has already.

Why is mine getting so tall and skinny, but not developing leaves?



Active Member
bring your lights closer in to prevent the stretching if your using cfls bring it to about 2 inches from the plant. If the bulb is to hot or your hand at that distance then it will be too hot for the plant. But 2'' is good usually


Well-Known Member
She is 5 days old... currently she's under a 15 Watt CFL which is hanging about 2" from her (it's not hot).
She's been watered every day, but only a little but when I turn the lights on. She is running 18/6 and she's only been alive for 3 light cycles.. and at the start of each light cycle I gave her a bit of water.


Active Member
15watts isnt enough go with some 3 or four 26 watt 6500k light bulbs a plant need more light as it grows mabye start with 2 26 's then as it develops you will need to add some. Cut waterings down to one big watering every 3 days or so. Roots like to dry out a bit before being watered again. Help stimulate growth when they go searching for water.


Well-Known Member

so I took your guys' advice and I bought 2 42 Watt CFL bulbs (which is about 150watt each)

Is this enough light for my little seedling now? it looks an AWFUL lot brighter, and there is actually a little hum in my grow room if you listen close enough.

Should I be using only the 1, or both 42 Watt bulbs? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of smaller marijuana plants that already had many, and waaay bigger leaves than mine has already.

Why is mine getting so tall and skinny, but not developing leaves?

way to stretchy bro. Bring your lights SUPER close.. if you have CFL's u can get like 3 inches from that thing.


Well-Known Member
way to stretchy bro. Bring your lights SUPER close.. if you have CFL's u can get like 3 inches from that thing.
It was stretching because it had insufficient light (only 950 lumens 15 watt CFL).
That bulb has been replaced by a 2700 lumen 42 watt CFL.

I bought two of those 42 watts, should I be running both or just the one while its a seedling?

and yes the CFL is 2" from the plant.


It was stretching because it had insufficient light (only 950 lumens 15 watt CFL).
That bulb has been replaced by a 2700 lumen 42 watt CFL.

I bought two of those 42 watts, should I be running both or just the one while its a seedling?

and yes the CFL is 2" from the plant.
i would use as much lighting as possible. i am currently growing two plants that are budding and i was using cfls also, but i had alot of lights. nd also i would do a 24/0 lighting schedule at first. here are a few pics of my smaller plant but it is producing alot bigger buds and the smell real skunky bongsmilie

