is 3oz easily achievable in oxypots


Active Member
hi guys been a while

im just about to buy a load of oxypots after hearing some good results of growers getting 7+ per plant but after numerous grows in coco and struggling to get 2.5 each im very sceptical about these claims i understand it takes time to perfect it ive been at it for two years and still learning and making mistakes but any info on whether 3oz is easy would be appreciated as if not i dont see how the extra cost is justified im doinf ppp btw

cheers guys:dunce:


Well-Known Member
genetics has allot to do with it the grower has most to do with it the system all depends. oxypots are nothing more than DWC with a funny name. 7+ lbs is mostly dependent on the grower and level of experience plus the amount of money the individual is willing to spent on top quality lights, fans, co2 system etc. now if you veg a plant for a long period of time then flower it will prably yield quite a bit if the conditions are correct. 7+ is not hard to achieve or unheard of just depends. never heard of a 2' plant yielding 7+ indoors but 6' sure.


Well-Known Member
number of grams per plant is insignificant, but the number of watts per sq.ft. for 7oz. you should have at least 400 watts in 2.5x3 or so and you have to do it right. dwc is good but you need to control res temps. for simpler setup, try flood/drain