Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.


Well-Known Member

The customs tripping out on the planes coming in and out of the airport.... can you imagine that!

How THEY conceal the products I would be surprised if the customs taper or look at the package closely...


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you can't learn to trust an elders word then you'll be out in the dark forever.
OH the elders words were indeed made clear to me when they came true ;)
Gentlemen, this discussion has been held before... Shakespeare, it is not out of disrespect nor directly out of disbelief, it is about personal experience. If I tell you what an experience (that you have never had) is like you can understand the concept, but until that concept is turned into a personal reality, you will never know what it is like.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Understandable. But if you can't learn to trust without personal experience you'll NEVER hold a Research Chemical in your hand. EVER.
meh.. I don't trust anyone (regarding rc's) after Haupt. Personal experience says don't trust drug dealers (and essentially that is all RC Vendors are).


Oracle of Hallucinogens
what happened if you don't mind me asking
With Haupt? Due to their mislabeling of Bromo Dragonfly as 2C-B-Fly my best friend (of ~15 years) passed away.

Mind you.. if they had tested the chem this would not have happened, it's still nice to get what you think you're getting, and that was far from the case.