Is 13degrees c at lights off too low???


Well-Known Member
Right, my lights on temps are spot on ive managed to keep em around 25 degrees celsius, but my nighttime/lights out temps are hitting as low as 13 celsius, now i want to know is this likely to impact them massively or not? I could invest in a small heater but i figure this wont do a lot as any heat will just get sucked out by the outtake fan before it can heat up the tent. I have the fan come on for 15 mins of every hour. Not sure the easiest way to get the nighttime temps up or if i even need to??? Any advice welcome.


Well-Known Member
Centre of the tent at canopy level, root level or mid growth... 13c is a bit cool.. you run the fan after lights off for what reason? To control humidity? you are getting nearly a 12c degree temp drop or 25 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a lot... while cooler temps help in flower some.. the low temps can slow growth.Colder temps and big temperature fluctuations contribute to over-purpling of leaves and can also reduce photosynthesis.A plant that is grown in relatively cold temps can survive, but it will never grow as fast or as well as a plant that is given proper temps. Indoor plants tend to be much more susceptible to cold than outdoor grown plants. Light reading for you if you have not already read it...