Irish Marijuana March


Active Member
On Saturday there will be a march in Dublin to legalize Marijuana. Not many on this forum are Irish but I have seen a few hopefully you can attend. Last years march got 1000+ people. Go if only to get in to one of the parties afterwards!:joint:

I will post pictures on Saturday night of the march.


Active Member
I think it's very important to do the march. Since Irish law is closely related to law in the UK, and with the UK cracking down on weed see thread link below. Irish people need to let the government know it won't come without opposition.

UK Marijuana Reclassification discussion.


Richie Bud

Active Member
I agree there are not many Irish on this site but there are a few of us
I will be there on sat was at last years and I remember the march but not so much after I went to a great party at least I was told it was great
the best thing about it was there was no soap bar shit hash there just pure clean and very very nice weed and hash
if legalised here it would get rid of the shit people are selling as hash and weed on the streets
any way I am growing my own now so I know it will be good quollity smoke
see you ther on sat