

Hello everyone - long time lurker, first time poster.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the helpful resources over the past couple years. Its really helped me with getting going and figuring out my own medication. I started growing about 3 years ago, but realized that this might not be for me and my schedule. I'm finally in a stable place (thanks to some consistent critical kush).
Been a long time since I felt this happy in life.

Looking forward to getting more invested in conversations around here.
Well... some conversations :wall:


Wanna trade?
Well.. since you asked, I would love to.
I need economical gains, corrections to the unemployment rate and smarter welfare programs ALOT more than I need apologies and a list of words I can't say without offending some dude who identifies as a tricycle.

Trump sucks, but there's alot of money that can be made in the next 3 years.

I do feel bad for you though.
If given the choice between Trump and the wicked witch of the west, people really had no good option.
At least Burner Sanders was pro cannabis.



Well-Known Member
This is the worst political climate in a long time.
This much is true. Living in Ontario is just Liberal squared.


Well-Known Member
Dang ..dude..he said forget i am triggeredLOL

"I do feel bad for you though.
If given the choice between Trump and the wicked witch of the west, people really had no good option.
At least Burner Sanders was pro cannabis."

>feel bad for us more sound like Snowflake.,.trump is an idiot but he doesn't have the "Diversity Disease "

now who the fk will non snowflakes vote for..libs/cons/ndp all spouting the same buzzword..
we need some one different..

thats why people vote/d for usa Prez wasn't/isn't a popularity contest....he actually had things us rednecks believe have to be done to save us from becoming Europe...which if you listen to cbc/ctv etc etc you will not hear..

JT sucked us[me] in on cannabis..i didn't think anyone could ruin a country that fast..i was wrong

i thought noone could be as bad as the Horned one..[wrong]



Well-Known Member
Dang ..dude..he said forget i am triggeredLOL

"I do feel bad for you though.
If given the choice between Trump and the wicked witch of the west, people really had no good option.
At least Burner Sanders was pro cannabis."

>feel bad for us more sound like Snowflake.,.trump is an idiot but he doesn't have the "Diversity Disease "

now who the fk will non snowflakes vote for..libs/cons/ndp all spouting the same buzzword..
we need some one different..

thats why people vote/d for usa Prez wasn't/isn't a popularity contest....he actually had things us rednecks believe have to be done to save us from becoming Europe...which if you listen to cbc/ctv etc etc you will not hear..

JT sucked us[me] in on cannabis..i didn't think anyone could ruin a country that fast..i was wrong

i thought noone could be as bad as the Horned one..[wrong]

green :lol: thinkin green this time round