Intro & Grow Q's

Hello Rollitup community :)

Not quite comfortable enough to say my name yet but just call me 65. I just recently came out to my family about smoking marijuana casually. They have accepted it graciously btw :) Anyways, that was kinda a personal mile stone! Now on to some questions.
So, I have decided that I want to grow my own herb. Sick of paying for low, dried, cut short bags of shake in my area. While marijuana in my region is VERY CHEAP I have yet to experience ANYTHING spectacular. Upon doing some research and coming in contact with some supposedly bodacious bud seeds I have decided to start growing my own. While my pocket and resources are limited I, like every grower, wishes to maximize what little I have to produce something good. I am not shooting for some OG Kush crazy shit but honestly, just good mediocre reliable smoke. Here are some details and questions I have.

I was given 10 "nameless seeds" from a friend from Georgia. I don't care about strain identification or anything. But 10 seeds is what I worked with. I placed 10 seeds into easy starter soil and placed that in a few biodegradable "cups". Of course they started growing, 7 of the 10 went into the seedling stage. 3 where DOA (lets have a moment in silence for them lol). Anyways. here are some basic questions:

1) The seedlings are growing very rapidly. (12-18 Hours of light per day with water treatment 1 time per day).
Just estimating the seedlings are about 5 inches tall in just 4 days!!!! So tall I don't really feel they have good stability. Should I put something in the soil to help hold them up?

2) Just for fun would it be rude of me to give this strain a nickname? This would be local only nothing I am hoping would be popular.

3) I am doing a small grow with these of course I am only keeping females so I am expecting at most maybe 3. (hoping as well) How big of a Pot should I put each female in? I am growing them in a closet and I will be using the screen of green method. (would all this add up?)

4) is there are cheap ionizer I can make? I know I can get one off ebay for around $40. But I want to avoid any room traveling odors.

5) Is there any reviews of cheap LED lighting? anyone here mess with it? I don't have a grow light but I have been pretty successful in the past using modern day energy efficient bulbs.

Thanks for any answers and I look forward to being active in this community!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU 65

1) great...growing rapid is a good thing....yes if they are unstable then a stick/post will help, but only if it really needs it
2) no problem...I called one "the dwarfed dirt dweller" and another the "mutant"....most people don't but is okay to do so
3) maybe 3 gallons...hard to say, would need more details
4) not an ionizer but carbon filter...plenty of threads on this subject and general odor control
5) cheap LED is not worth big bucks or don't purchase LED....get CFL or HPS/MH instead

welcome to RIU 65

1) great...growing rapid is a good thing....yes if they are unstable then a stick/post will help, but only if it really needs it
2) no problem...I called one "the dwarfed dirt dweller" and another the "mutant"....most people don't but is okay to do so
3) maybe 3 gallons...hard to say, would need more details
4) not an ionizer but carbon filter...plenty of threads on this subject and general odor control
5) cheap LED is not worth big bucks or don't purchase LED....get CFL or HPS/MH instead

Thanks for the quick reply!

I will browse the forums on some odor control :) do you have an opinion on Fluerecent (I know I hacked that spelling up) lighting?


Well-Known Member
I use T5' fuorescents with good success, you should look into them, that are not too expensive and low on elctricity and heat, curently due to small space I'm using a 2ft, 4 bulb and can grow 3 plants with no problem, 'course i try to keep them small for that reason, but with scrog you could get a nice size canopy, you could go 4 footers also.
Yea I found some nice wiring to use for the scrog, how tall should they be before I get them weaved in? do you know? lol, I have no idea but I will look into it.

*ALSO* another question. Can plants while in seedling stage actually get too much light?


Well-Known Member
I love these things for scrog, they work well and allow you to move each plant indiviually:

Gro-Thru Plant Support

They sell them at some Home Depot stores. Growth height will depend on your lighting and your space. Better lighting penetration lets you grow bigger plants.


Active Member
Hello and welcome. First thing, if your plants are long and unsteady, lower your lights. They are most likely stretching to get to the light. With CFL's you want them as close as you can get them, but not touching. I don't care what others say about T5s or CFLs - My plant tips burn if they touch.

Carbon Filter:

I made a cheap one for my vegging plants to keep the smell down (yes, they smell even when vegging) like the one above. $10 carbon filter (for pet odor) from Home depot and a $7 mesh trashcan - about 8 inches in diameter, 12 inches long. Rolled the carbon and stuffed it into the trashcan. Duct taped the trashcan to the output of a fan. Done. Works perfectly.

I suggest a mixed spectrum T5 HO (High output) setup, at least 2' 4 bulbs, if not 6. Ebay has plenty of them and they are cheap. With a mixed spectrum (Warm and cool bulbs - Flower and Grow) you wont have to buy more bulbs for flowering - Just trying to get you the most bang for your buck.

If you can afford it, get a 250Watt HPS/MH setup, but heat is an issue here. It's a slight issue with T5's too, but either way. You also want some fresh air for your plants too. A small computer fan blowing across the canopy of you plants will also help strengthen the base. Later on you might want something more powerful.

Get yourself a PH meter too. :) Will save you lots of trouble later on.

Lastly, youtube SCROG, there are lots of tutorials on there.

Hope this helps and good luck!


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU 65

5) cheap LED is not worth big bucks or don't purchase LED....get CFL or HPS/MH instead

Depends what you mean by cheap, the low wattage or red/blue only units aren't worth buying, but if you know what to look for in a LED light there are good deals to be had on ebay. Depends how good the factory is really, some are better then others

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by cheap, the low wattage or red/blue only units aren't worth buying, but if you know what to look for in a LED light there are good deals to be had on ebay. Depends how good the factory is really, some are better then others
what I really meant was LED is not the cheapest start-up cost, so a cheap "made in China" no-name brand may not be a wise choice....but there are always deals to be found
wow thanks guys! I have bought some more items to assist me in my grow. I am thinking about maybe even doing a journal. Thanks for all the replies. I see I have tons of more information to read up on. :)


Well-Known Member
Do it, great to have a journal if need to troubleshoot problems, sometimes you will do something and not see the effects for a week. With a journal you can easily go back and see where you may have gone astray.


Well-Known Member
Hey 65 welcome to the board. I noticed you said your plants receive 12-18 hrs
of light. The cannabis plant (if not bred with Ruderalis)is a photo period plant.
During Veg you would not want to give less than 18 hrs of light,or it will trigger blooming hormones.
Causing your plant to flower without having any real size.

Good luck and keep it green