Instant Gratification


Active Member
Is it just me? Or does everything seem to be going to fast anymore. What ever happened to the old saying " Time is craftsmanship ". It seems most people now a days want instant gratification. I realize we live in a digital world. I'm caught up in it as much as the next person. But it seems it's taking away the finer things in life. Look at the road rage we have today. Not saying it just started but their seems to be more because we are all in a hurry. And for what??? To get to work? Hell a lot of people don't even want to go to work in the morning. But they are still in a hurry to get there anyway. And when was the last time you used a one hour photo? I remember when that used to be the shit. I don't know. Maybe I'm just really baked and looking way to deep into this shit. All I can say is god bless Dick Prenicky. May he R.I.P. That dude knew how to live. Although I would have a problem being that lonely...Anybody else feel me???