Inspire me


haha some thing i made of me and my gf, its called inspire me coz it has my two loves sweet MJ:weed: which you can see Zeus:peace: smoking and from the smoke of his joint comes our face.

Zeus is supposed to be "King of the gods, God of the Sky and Thunder" some much responsibility so he is very stressed just like any one of us so he needs to relax, i put my self in his shoes and when i do relax i i see what i love and get inspired thus the name Inspire me

i know the mouth needs be improved and my girl one on the left needs more work but thats the buty of art you are never wrong just different.


wow i am so so sorry every body, i really had no idea that the images were not attached, before i submitted the 1st thread the pics where there, well at least i thought they where, any way here it is i hope you enjoy it, please comment good or bad its all good thanks.


Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
The face on the left of gray one scared me, no offense intended of course, but it just seemed angry at me for some reason.