Insecticidal soap caused mold?

I thout I had a thrip problem and sprayed ortho elementals insectacidal soap on it. It caused the top of the soil to grow mold like mildew! Its supposed to kill things like that not cause it. Now I'm worried. If I just let it dry out will it fix it. should I worry? And what should I do?:neutral:


Well-Known Member
No, it didn't cause it. Not to say you don't have it, but if you do, there is some other reason.

Top of the soil sounds like you are watering too often and not letting it dry out.

No it really did cause it. I only water once a week when its very dry. Thats the weird thing. I looked at the ingredients and its an all natural insecticidal soap and it has nutrient rich fatty acids which sounds like the cause. And the fuzzy mildew/mold is only on the 2 that were sprayed.


You need to remove it if you have any hope. I would chop it if it were me.

Take some 3 or 5% hydrogen peroxide, add a tbsp per gallon. Water just a little bit, just enough to soak the mildew and the top portion of the soil. The hydrogen peroxide will kill the mold. After application wait a little bit, and remove the mold as best you can. Be very careful. You do NOT want to agitate it, as any still-living spores will become airborne and can latch to your plant, or elsewhere in your growroom. You want to kill it and have it be gone for good. Remove the top inch of soil, or however much accordingly to how much mold there was. You want to at least remove to where the mold could have grown into the soil and a little beyond that. Trash it, top with new soil, hope for the best.

FWIW - unless you are SURE you have a bug problem, its ALWAYS best to NOT treat for bugs. Pesticides are made with chemicals specifically made to either attract and kill or bother the bugs. At any rate, it is designed for the bugs usually with pheremones - so if you dont have them now, adding a pesticide just increases the likelihood of them coming around. And in your case, using some weird organic pesticide hurt your plants.


Well-Known Member
yeah I agree, ya gotta be carefull what ya put on these gals. Chances are you're gonna be smokin it!
I'd say remove as much as ya can and h202. yeah, I think that's what I'd try
your watering schedule is different than mine
Yeah I already decided to do what you guys suggested and chopped the one that looked bad but the other only had a tiny amount on top I removed the layer where the mold was. I guess I know to never to use that brand of soap ever again, live and learn.