injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. They are working an angle with this grow box shit. Remo sells nutes (bigger = more nutes and lower plant count) HC wants smaller plant count but in a confined box from what I'm reading at least. After judgment I hope homedepot puts 2x4s and plywood on sale lol


Well-Known Member
What is the yield from a grow box cycle?
Lots of problems is what it is I don't know how well I would be able to calculate that for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is changing grow's kind of been one nightmare after another until just recently. Now that I'm doing things organically, I find that the quality has improved....I did look into doing a scrog in that box...but like I said one problem after another....huge learning curve....


Well-Known Member
Seems like we could be dealing with a USA approach. Limiting square feet?
Square feet would make more sense and easier to manage from all angles. If that's the case, hopefully they don't go with cubic feet, I like sq. ft. better. Googling to find a small room with 40ft. ceilings now ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah the more I read and observe the questioning my guess is square footage limitations. This is something the police and fire chief will chime in on. Getting calls to 5000sqf barns with a couple thousand Christmas trees.