injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Personally I am not happy with the way things are headed. This heavy handed Harper regime has to go.
Trudeau is our only hope if you ask me. He seems articulate, educated, sincere, appears empathetic and well....I have a bit of a man crush on him. Seriously though I would be proud to have him as our leader, especially when you see what we have now
I don't think Trudeau will get in and it'll be a Cons minority gov. Unfortunately were fucked with two main candidates, one having no experience and riding on "charisma" and the other a fucking religious control freak.


Well-Known Member
he will release his decision april 30th to decide....since its also the day I sign my tax return....can't think of a better way to protest....
than not giving them the money of mine they need to function....
mmj patient makes you ememy of the state


Well-Known Member
ive said it before but I have inside info that harper will be voted back in with majority. you all think we can over run/grow the gov but its all about the 1 world power and they are against mj period, its a way to get everyones info to throw us in jail. the new terrorist bill will put you behind bars for speaking your mind and going against anything the gov/ hitler wants to do. you protest, jail. you whine, jail you grow or don't like the big oil- pharma, jail.
I honestly hope im am wrong but we will see soon enough


Well-Known Member
ive said it before but I have inside info that harper will be voted back in with majority. you all think we can over run/grow the gov but its all about the 1 world power and they are against mj period, its a way to get everyones info to throw us in jail. the new terrorist bill will put you behind bars for speaking your mind and going against anything the gov/ hitler wants to do. you protest, jail. you whine, jail you grow or don't like the big oil- pharma, jail.
I honestly hope im am wrong but we will see soon enough
You are such a downer!


Well-Known Member
whatfg im a realist.
sorry to bring you down but if im right and didn't say much some might go off the deep end, if its real.
I for sure don't want this cunt voted in again and ive never voted for him or liked what he dose but what he says,& he plans will come true. & making life hard and financially good for him and his friends.
and he has set in play already for when we all riot, if he gets back in, to throw us in jail for terrorism. he is a cunty control freek.
but besides Justin making mj legal witch wont happen till after his 4 yrs he wants a lot of what harper wants with minor changes.


Well-Known Member
When you lose hope, you lose. I don't really want any of them to have a majority...I just definitely don't want the conservative driving the bus's too bad conservatives can only vote the way their told...


Well-Known Member
It's almost time to run them all out and start again. A whole new system of government. We can start by outlawing 'party politics'. I want the guy/gal I elect to actually answer to me. Time for a "Canadian Spring".... They haven't passed the bill yet so I guess it's still ok to organize an effort to overthrow the government.


Well-Known Member
we'd better all get a new doc will make going to jail easier
well at least we will all get a chance to meet in the cell block


Well-Known Member
with Bill C-51 in place ...
No MMJ patient is traveling state side with the sharing of our health info to our feds and abroad....ya...that's correct, other countries. truth is other countries spy for us because we cannot tell other countries what they can spy on :lol:
and of course...all the info is now available for our authorities? to mull over. :lol:
Awesome stuff .
We didnt do it..THEY DID...
we just let em eh ;)