Induceing flowering

Closet Grow

Active Member
What are things that I can do to help with and induce floweing? I allready know 12-12; but what else can I do? My plants only 1 week old, I know it seems stupid to flower allready but I have my reasons; what can I do to get the largest and best harvest in the 8 weeks of flowering?


Active Member
As far as inducing flowering, the plants will move along at their natural pace as long as you're giving them the right conditions. If you haven't already done so, you should switch your lighting to predominantly 2700k bulbs (I'm assuming you're doing CFL's?). This redder, warmer-toned light frequency better simulates the filtered, less intense sunlight an outdoor plant would get in the fall when it would naturally flower. Also, you'll want to give the plants a little extra phosphorous and potassium. Other than that and whatever other tricks people do, it's basically just the waiting game while nature does its thing. Cheers on blooming there, man!


Well-Known Member
at one week you don't feed cuz it'll burn the plant.

what you can do is look at different soils and choose the one with the highest phosphorus concentration, cuz plants use more phosphorus during flowering, as opposed to using more nitrogen when vegging. says: "The best pH range for phosphorus uptake is pH 6.5 to 7.5. There is a marked increase in phosphorus uptake in the presence of ammonium nitrogen in comparison to nitrate nitrogen."

so you want a soil with 6.5-7.5 ph range, contains amonium nitrogen instead of nitrate nitrogen (read up some more so you know what i'm talking about), be sure and keep you're water and any nute mix you'll use ph'd to the stated range and you should be able to flower quick.... no guarantees. use co2 to make that one week veg as productive as possible.


Well-Known Member
you do realize its gonna keep vegging till its mature enough to flower right? thats gonna be probally 3-4 weeks still since its only getting 12 hrs of light a day to veg your looking at 3 months about till its ready to chop at best. Until it shows preflowers treat it as if it was a vegging plant, cuz it is one. lol.(that refers to what spectrum and what nutes to give)


Well-Known Member
Not only that you will have a lanky plant with very little buds. Just get an Auto strain man you will at least get a zip or more per plant....


Well-Known Member
if you really want to do something worth while, do a 2 week veg. the 2 weeks start when you see green. not when you see the baby plant coming out of the soil, or when you put the seed into the soil.

start counting when you positively see the baby leaves flipped over green side up. veg in a party cup. the first week the seedling is small and trying to root. i always see slooow growth until day 9ish....