indoor soil...


Active Member
what size planters do most of you use that grow in soil indoors? read 3 gallon to 15 gallon...what is your experience? was using 10 gallon...went to 5 gallon better quality less yield... what r u doing?:peace:


Active Member
well not from Jesus! lol so 3-5 huh? i must be doing something wrong cuz i will get an o or less with the 5 gallon how about you?


Well-Known Member
i've heard 15 gallon somewhere but thats only if you have enough space to grow a 12 foot beast, otherwise the space is wasted. i use 3.5-5 gallon.


Well-Known Member
Last grow i used 3 gallon pots & yeilded anywhere from 1.5 oz's to 2.5 oz's per plant,this grow im using all 1 gallon containers & am experiencing faster growth & i expect the same yeilds,i attribute the faster growth to the more frequent watering schedule delievering more oxygen to the root ststem.

The 3 gallon pots i used last time were a waste,there was a ton of room left for roots to grow & the plants were 3 to 4 ft bushes,my avatar pic is one of the colas from that grow,im stickin with 1 gallon pots.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I used to use 5 gallon round pots. That was a huge waste of space. I switched over to 2.5 gallon square pots. Much better use of space and the plants seem to grow faster and are every bit as full as before.


Well-Known Member
i think the reason they do better adjusting to like a 1gal pot quicker to a 5,because a plant will grow its roots indefinitely but if it is in a smaller space,it will use every oportuned space and maximizing what it has,where as if u trans plant to a 5gal,it will send roots out that will go to the bottom of the pot and have a hard time growin back up and occupy thus giving space due to the weight of the soil and gravity.the smaller pots get rootbound quicker but the roots will occupy every square inch of the soil and therefore concluding that small pots are the way to go.its only when a plant becomes rootbound in a 2-3gal pot is when it needs transplanted to a 5,due to the fact that the plant is big enough,strong enough and healthy enough to send roots out and use the larger space giving.



Well-Known Member
I use about a gallon pot and all is well. Next grow I am going to go even smaller.


Active Member
Thank you everyone! I appreciate the feedback and will give it a go. Hope this info helps others!