Indoor Peppers and Tomatoes


Well-Known Member
I dont know about that one man. Thats odd. I know that plants show preflowers faster under 18/6 than 24/0...but still 4 weeks!?!?

I know LST disperses hormones through out the plant differently and all, so who knows...


Well-Known Member
Well, hermie is what I'm thinking. Because, I tied the two down for two days each to get some lateral growth for clones. Oh well, I tied two and Uncle Ben topped two others, so we shall see.



Well-Known Member
So, I upgraded to 3 Gallon bags for the veggies. I also switched to 12/12 to sex the other plants. I'm pretty sure that the month old white widows are male, but can't tell yet. Oh well time to order a new strain. I've been using this one for 2 years.

Dumb Joke: What food does a marathon runner eat when he's behind?

Feel free to tell your own dumb joke or even just the one off of your popsickle stick and/or fruit roll up!




Well-Known Member
Here is an update of the veggies in the first couple of days in 12/12. The tomatoes are extending their branches out and new growth is emerging. One thing I can say is that they aren't getting much taller, but I guess that's the point of buying "SuperBush". Oh, by the way, the other two plants(white widows) were male...such a shame! Time to buy new beans. I've noticed drooping leaves on the peppers. They look healthy, but both plants droop and curl down!




Well-Known Member
Sucks about the WW's man. New beans it is then.

Veggies looking pretty good. How you like the grow bags? I had issues with them not draining all that great, could have been the medium I was using though.

Same with tomatoes man, I have very rarely seen pepper plants that are not curling at least a bit. Keep an eye on it though of course.


Well-Known Member
The grow bags are easy to work with for the most part. I really like them for outdoor because they are light and don't break easily like thin nursery plastic containers. I use fox farm, so they drain easily. when I do my own mixes I really throw in the extra perlite.

Any recommendations for a new strain? I'm up for anything with the outdoor and spring indoor sessions coming up. Here is what I've grown...

White Widowx3
Rosetta Stone-all time favorite! Spice Bros are MIA, but Sweet Seeds has a RSxBOG that I'm eying, but they're fems.
Hollands Hope
Blue Hash
Matanuska Thunderfuckx green giant
Durban Poison
Mexican Sativa



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. As far as next strain goes...have any particular seed banks you prefer? Or do you have any beans lying around?

God's Balls

Active Member
A tip for putting out the fire, or at least toning it down, drink milk or eat ice cream. The fat will adsorb some of the heat. Drinking water, beer, etc. just makes the heat worse.

I found this out one night after handling some Fatali peppers. I washed my hands, but not enough...I went to bed, and as men often do, gave myself a good thorough scrotal rub. About 15 seconds later,:fire:

I ran naked and whimpering into the kitchen, grabbed the ice cream out of the freezer, and applied a big handful to the afflicted area. Ahhhh, bliss.

Then my girlfriend came out of the bathroom, took one look, and collapsed, in hysterics. She laughed until she puked...

Sigh. Sometimes shit just happens, ya know? :dunce::dunce::dunce:

Same thing happened to my buddy a while back. He was all over this girl, got her to go out for dinner at the local Mexican joint, then a movie. The meal went so well, they skipped the show and went straight to the sack.

Turns out, he didn't wash his hands too well, and all the pepper juice landed the girl in the bathroom for an hour. :o

As far as tomatoes go, I'm going to start cloning my plants, for shits and giggles. Why not?


Well-Known Member
Statik- I don't have a favorite, but I really liked Spice Bros. Nirvana is always reliable, but nothing spectacular. I'm looking for a pure or mostly Indica and a mostly Sativa. I have inbred WW beans lying around, but I'm bored with those!

FullDuplex- I wish I would have looked for some banana peppers! I love me some pickled banana peppers on pizza, italian sandwich, so and and so forth. I know you had jalapenos, but it just reminded me. lol. I think I'm going to can my tomatoes for pizza sauce. num num num.

God's Balls- L O L. are you sure that it wasn't the "other" burning sensation?



Well-Known Member
hey can u help me out.. im new to growing peppers. i am freaking out because the leafs on my peppers are turning black, not dead tho, just black. i thought it was a fungi at first but its only happening to the pepper plants/ i have peppers and tomatoes mixed randomly under my grow light in cups of perlite.

i have an older pepper plant that started doing it first i removed it from the grow cab fear of spreading, but it still has not died , the leafs look dark,dark,dark green, like unhealty dark. like ive never seen leafs that dark dark.

do you think it is just the new growth darkening, it starts from the edges, then from the tip to the stem, then the veins of the leaf turn dark.


Well-Known Member
"Nearly black spots appear on leaves and lower stem; leaves turn yellow to brown. Early blight is a fungal disease spread by heavy rainfall and warm temperatures. Keep weeds down in the garden area; they harbor fungal spores. Avoid overhead watering."

I can't really tell you any more without pictures or if you can find similar ones that would be great!



Well-Known Member
man i dont know what to say. the pics come out to blurry to tell. but its not that, and if it was a fungi wouldent it be on my tomatoes too, they have had the same conditions


Well-Known Member
If the blackening isn't a form of Necrosis, then don't worry about it. You said the leaves are still alive? Are the leaves still alive?


Well-Known Member
true haha i have already seen that pic before... see i did some research before asking...but um yea the older pepper plant is fine just dark black leafs, the new growth has stopped or i am just parinoid it did. thats why i got nervous..

i think it is that i gave them to much nitrogen way to early, i figured hydro solution wouldnt be bad to use but mabey it was. i used dayna gro veg 1/4th strength and waterd cups filled with perlite. after about an hour i took a knive and made a hole about 1inch from the bottom to drain the cups and leave a little rez of water at the bottom of the cups, because i read some where perlite will wick.


Well-Known Member
Just slow down and assess the situation. Now that I think about it I had the same thing happen last spring, but it was only two of my tomato plants. It looked horrible, but then it reverted to green.
1) Is the new growth black?(I saw the pics on your page, but only I saw that the first set of leaves was discolored). I believe they should be fine if the new growth is green.
2) Did the new growth actually stop?
It may seem like it, but mine have been growing under an HPS for about a month or more and they are only 8-10 in.(that's a week after the switch to 12/12 too!)
3) Are the black leaves dead or alive?
4) What are your temps?
5) Humidity?
Sometimes if they have too much moisture built up they will mold at the nodes, but you have a different situation here. Sit back and relax, because I think you'll be just fine.



Well-Known Member
Just slow down and assess the situation. Now that I think about it I had the same thing happen last spring, but it was only two of my tomato plants. It looked horrible, but then it reverted to green.
1) Is the new growth black?(I saw the pics on your page, but only I saw that the first set of leaves was discolored). I believe they should be fine if the new growth is green.
2) Did the new growth actually stop?
It may seem like it, but mine have been growing under an HPS for about a month or more and they are only 8-10 in.(that's a week after the switch to 12/12 too!)
3) Are the black leaves dead or alive?
4) What are your temps?
5) Humidity?
Sometimes if they have too much moisture built up they will mold at the nodes, but you have a different situation here. Sit back and relax, because I think you'll be just fine.


I have to agree here. Sometimes we can give them too much love. The plant will tell you what it needs as long as you listen to it.

There were a couple thing that came to mind. The type of pepper you are growing may have something to do with this too. I know that most of my hot pepper plants have a tendency to do this, depending on the ph of the soil. If i keep it at 6 to 6.5 they stay nice and green like the ones from my pics if it drops on me to the 5's both new growth and peppers will darken to black.

Another cause of this is heavy nitro feeding. So i say back off the nutes for a while and try to flush them, but avoid over watering them. Just use some distilled water or if you have it some good old fashion rain water will help em too.

This is what i do for 99% of my grows. I always have rain water in the waiting, seems to be a good thing for them when i alternate it and feed water. One more thing i know that the hydro nutes will be ok. Been there done that. The peppers in this thread were fed FF grow big hydro formula and they exploded on it.